I told Leigh Ann who I liked, and she was like "HIM?!?!?! HES DUMBER THAN A BRICK WALL!" lmao
Yeah, Leigh Ann's mad at me cuz I told her I'm transfering back today.
So, apparently, I look like Samara Morgan [from the Ring] when she was alive? I keep hearing that...
Some teacher called me "drop dead gorgeous"...lmfao maybe she was on some LSD or something. Y'know, teachers lie a lot, anyways.
lol I just got off the phone with Kelsey and Eddie.
K-Eddie, I think Kelsey's getting bored..you should 'cuddle' with her.
K-*cracks up and Eddie hangs up*
lol that was funny.
Jess is like..the funniest person I've ever met.
"Yeah, I forgot, we're not friends anymore because you made me lose the paper thingy"
lol yeah, in SS Mrs. Brown wrote "bi" on the board in BIG letters and shes like "bi means, what class? TWO. BI MEANS TWO. BI .. WHAT? BICENTENIAL, BICYCLE" then I was cracking up enough and Jess goes "BI...SEXUAL!!"
lmfao Beth saat behind me in health. The teacher dude was just in a flood, and he was talking about how he lost everything in it, and how he didn't even live at home and Beth goes, "hOwD yA gEt YeR cLoThEs?!" and I was laughing like the whole period at that. And to make things better, we were talking about pressure points, and the teacher handed out papers showing where they were. There's a "pressure point" DOWN THERE and the dude was like "Don't rush to inbetween the legs. I know its like....THE SEXIEST PLACE you can go to, but I don't think anyone will care if you touch them there because you're saving their life"
In Science, Mr. Speck was teaching us about "density" with chemicals. He took like 2 clear things and put an ice cube in them, and one ice cube sunk, and one floated. Then he was like "WHICH ONE IS WATER?" and since we all knew the density, we knew it was the one where it floated, but he goes "This other stuff is Somebigword Alcohol. GUYS. THIS IS THE STUFF IN BOOZE. If you were to see someone carrying around something clear with the ice cubes sunken at the bottom, and they said it was just water, you'd know they were drinking alcohol." lol it was really funny.
Jeremy called me annoying =[ He told me to stop laughing and to stop making fun of him.
Jeremy always talks to this dude Dave who sits behind me, so he has to like lean across my desk to talk to him..this is a really funny convo I heard, and I started cracking up and he got mad at me:
J- Oh my God! I was at home, and there were Nazis on TV!!
D- hahaha, was it like a rally??
J- Yeah!! You should of seen this one dude. He looked like a fucking red neck. He had this huge curly beard, and he was talking to the news people and was like ***makes southern accent*** I brought my daughter here today because.. [lol I forget the rest]
I..have a new husband. Yay for Katie.
Well, my computers having Yum Kippoor so I better go.