Apr 01, 2004 22:51
Well, after I took Amber to dance. Rando and I headed over to Danny Pates house for some male bonding. Sexma Scheen (Jeff Scheen) was already over there. So we got there, and watched some gay movie. Then we started to wrestle. NO NOT THE GAY WRESTLE. But the way to prove our male superiority over each other. We ended up giving up after a bit. Sexma got a bloody nose. We started playing Gaystat-- *playstation 2. ATV forewheeling. Eventually we gave that up as well.
Our next straight activity to do, was nut ball. Basically we rolled a hard ball at each others nuts. I was champion, going undefeated. The game got intense when we were bouncing it.
Eventually we have Shooltz a call, and he ended up coming over. Which lead to another wrestling match. At first it was free for all. But then we branched off into teams. Danny and I vs. Shooltzy and Rando. Jeff was all time tag in. So yeah that was my gay day.
Is there anything gayer then. Shooltz, Rando, Danny, Jeff and I all together. I think not. We are gayer than a rainbow. Haha yeah. Such a fun day.
:) amazing <3.