Feb 27, 2005 23:06
For the past few days I thought
Megan Scott was mad at me until today, we're cool....I'm just stupid.
After church Donald cameover for a while. My mom was being a freak and
kept asking him all these weird questions, super embaressing. After we
brought him home I went to Meg's gramas for dinner. lol all I did
really was talk about Donald and eat a little food. Megan, Leah and I
are freaks...Megan and I were talking about boobs and Leah was like,
you guys are idoits. lol We can't help it if someone with huge boobs
shows us down their bra....kinda odd. So Leah wrote it in a letter to
her brother who's in California right now. We cracked up when she
showed us. Then I came to my dad's house and now I'm sitting here
watching the Oscars, Beyonce Knowles and Josh Groban just sang Belive,
so amazing their voices together. I <3 it. I love watching people
dress up and then make fools out of themselves, it's quite
entertaining. I just got done curling my hair, even though it will get
messed up when I sleep that's okay. I'll write tomorrow or the next