Apr 20, 2005 20:29
*cries* wow, have i had a bad week. monday, we found out that a guy who went to our school was dead. friday afternoon, he stole his moms car and no one knew where he was all weekend. well, on monday, my friends mom went to work at church. [she works at the preschool there] anyways, she noticed a truck that was sitting over across the parking lot and it was running. she didnt think anything about it and went inside. this was about 6:30am. well, about 10:00 she went outside to let the preschoolers into the playground and she noticed the truck was STILL there and still running. when she got closer, she noticed something on the window and when she got up to it, she realized it was blood. she ran in and called 911. the police came and said it was a suicide. he put the gun in his mouth and shot himself. *cries* it was horrible. his visitation was tonight and the funeral is tomorrow. everyone cried at school. it was just a horrible day.
then, today, i found out [by email] that my best friend is a cutter. they've been doing it for the past 2 1/2 years and i just found out today. they said they were 'tired of life'. and it really freaked me out, seeing as what happened monday. i dont think i could handle it if something happened. i would serriously freak out. they'd have to put me on medication. i dont think i could sleep or eat or...i dont even want to think about it. i just hope they dont do anything stupid. i havent told anyone but i really think i should. i dont think their parents care either. [their parents are divorced.] i want to go back home so bad to see them. my dad told me if it were up to him, we'd just go down, pick them up, and they would live with us and we'd enrole them in school down here for the rest of the year and they'd live with us. i'm gonna call and ask them. hopefully we can do that. just to see if things will get better. [i sure hope so] i just feel like crying. im gonna pray about it, though. im just so depressed.
well, my week did get a little better when my parents let me buy my jesse tickets. ive been so worried lately though that i havent even been happy about it. its in 28 days. *sigh* i wish i could enjoy it but things are just horrible this week. *cries again* i've felt like crying all day and now its even worse because i got that email from my friend. well, anyways. i guess id better go. ill update later. *watery smile* wow. i hope next week is better than this.
much love,
<3 britty