Feb 20, 2008 09:30
My vacations every year consist of Marcon, Origins and Gencon, and maybe something like Midwinter.
I think next year I want to take a real one. Or at least a different one. It would almost certainly mean cutting Gencon from the list, and that may happen this year anyway, as I haven't got a hotel yet, and am 150 people down on the waiting list.
My thoughts are Las Vegas or San Diego Comic Con. I figure for either I'd want about a grand (I priced out the Golden Nugget + airfair for the non premium nights and it'd be about 500 if shared with another person, and if I need more than a grand for a con, I'm not going). I won't have a car payment after a couple more months, so saving for it would be relatively easy.
I am just thinking out loud really.