Jan 22, 2007 21:15
Things have been pretty good for the most part. Aside from excrusiating tooth pain the last week or so, rendering me completely useless on anything even remotely productive, life's good.
I've pumped so much aleve, tylenol, advil, hydrocodone, and vicodin in me this last week, I can practically hear my liver pleading for me to stop. But the throbbing pain in my jaw says to keep feeding the pain, Miss Liver, so deal with it, mmmk? I'm also currently feeling nauseous, or however it's spelled. Maybe there's some sort of correlation.
I start a new job (not exactly sure on the date) with Aly's family sometime in the not too distant future. So psyched about it. I like the job I'm at now, but this new one has alot more possibilities for advancment and alot more I can learn from it.
Plus, I get to see Aly and her mommy and daddy every day, yayyyyyyy! Not to mention see more of the only *grumble* ninja I like, Nafan.
And I'm sorry if what I did hurt, it was completely unintentional. Forgive me? >.<
Also have another friendship sort of on the rocks, this time I don't really know what I did wrong exactly. I know a couple little things, but they were done out of concern for the person, which they ultimately got mad at? Maybe I shouldn't care so much and stop trying to fix everything and everyone, it seems to go unappreciated.
When my loyalty is questioned by someone I've put myself out for over and over, spent sleepless nights agonizing how to help, almost lost a job because of, yes I get pissed. Don't tell me that you can't trust me, when I've done nothing but love and try to protect you, even from yourself. I'm proud of the progress you've made, as per our discussion, but don't lash out at me when I've done nothing wrong.
If that sounds cryptic to anyone but that person, it was meant to be.
I'm off like a prom dress. I fucking love each and every one of you.
Yes, even you over there.
Yes, you.
With the squinty eyes.
You squinty eyed...homosapien.
the adventures of vicodin