Forgive the oh-so greasy grad pic, I've yet to upload the ones from my dad's camera.
Anyway, I know it's been awhile, but I also know that you ain't mad at me. :) LJ might be the only place where I feel fully accepted. Seven years and buttloads of drama written down on this awesome online journal. I can't believe I ever left you, though!
So, on to the subject of my blog title - the transition from being a college student to becoming a professional adult.
Well, first off, things haven't really sunk in yet, I still feel like the Bachelor's degree haphazardly tossed into a pile of my old folders isn't real. Moi, little old me, a college graduate? Can't quite grasp the concept, yet. Maybe when I get the nice, cushy job with a corner office and all the requisite perks, then I'll start feeling like I've earned my degree.
I've applied to two places, and just finished my first Interview today. I really hope I get this, cuz in the words of every gangsta rapper alive, 'this is a game changer, baby!'. I have another interview lined up next week, at a job I'm hoping I don't get, lol. Yes, you read that right. The only reason I applied there was because my first-choice took so long to call me back.
It's kinda funny though, working for a degree and attaining it leaves you felling so high - then, everything starts crashing down, once you realize, 'Oh crap, I have to get a job!'. So, that is exactly where I am right now, in the limbo between graduating college and getting a job.
Anyway, I'll find out the outcome of my job interview by next week. So, my next entry will probably a reflection of the results. But I ain't scared, because if I was able to tackle the last four years and everything in between, then all this job searching drama should be a piece of cake, right? ;)
Posted via LjBeetle