Needless to say, I'm putting this under a cut so click ahead if you dare, muahahah
Hmm...for the rest of November:
Dan's goodbye dinner: Heading overseas for a BIG long multi country trip, we were all happy for him.
Darkzone: Fun except for the fact that darkzone was cancelled :P But it was great to catchup with some people I hadn't seen in ages.
(Other) Dan's birthday party: Interesting night where I was actually REFUSED entry to a club. I ended up catching up with him at another venue, so it all turned out ok.
Wild target: Went and watched this with a friend, a good brit comedy that even though I saw it at MIFF, still good enough to watch again.
(another) David's birthday party: Fun times
Shelli and Fiona's birthday party: Again, fun times
Japan film festival - Time of Eve: A good movie, with robots and humans mixing together and the line being blurred, I recommend it.
Nativity!: A brit movie about a Christmas nativity that gets a bit out of control. Light fun fare with some good performances, especially from Martin Freeman.
department christmas party: Ahh..nothing like going to the pub at the corner of work and getting to relax with your own department. Luckily we all get along just fine :)
Phillip island trip: Incredible, we got to see a chocolate factory, and the penguins!! Awesome fun.
Peninsula Hot springs: I now love turkish steam rooms.
Muse: You'd be amazed how hard it was to find someone to use my spare ticket (thanks Dan for going overseas!), but a GREAT time was had by all. The crowd were great, the band were awesome, and the special effects were fantastic!
The crazy day: Madman sale / Company Christmas party / tron IMAX : I ended up rushing off from work early, buying like 50 dvd's for 35 bucks, rushing back to the Company christmas party, rushing off to Tron Imax and then realising I read the session times wrong and it started at 9.30 instead of 8.30. Well that was egg on my face, ^.^;; Lots of hanging around Imax doing nothing. The movie looks great but the story itself...not so much.
Alan's birthday bbq/golf: First time I'd ever actualy played golf, and it was fun :) I seem to have a slight talent at the endgame...
Multiple Christmas party's: Awesome fun.
Doctor who christmas special: Even more awesome, I actually cried. It was FANTASTIQUE!
Makeover stuff: Apparantly threadless shirts and jeans isn't enough so I need a makeover. But it's been fun going around a getting some new clothes. Anton's is a really nice shop, but terribly addictive. When I walked in there, I felt compelled to hurl my credit card at the staff and let them burn through my credit limit. Luckily I managed to get away with only spending 1700 bucks on a full suit (with waist coat), two shirts and a tie. As one review said, it's priced fairly but fairly isn't cheaply.
Also manged to brave the boxing day weekend sales at myer and picked up some nice shirts as well. With hair gel as well, I'm apparantly not looking too bad :)
Japanese bath house: awesome awesome place, I definitely want to go again.
Nye party: Cool party, not so cool weather, freaking Australian heat :)
Beach party: Hooray for beach parties where we spend most of our time lazing around and trying not to get burnt.
The kings speech: An excellent movie that I highly recommend that everyone go and watch. You'll never feel as awesome about seeing a guy simply do a speech. :) The power of the written word is brilliant.
karaoke: Did some karaoke with friends, it was grreat.
Hamish goodbye party: Goodbye party for a friend, sad but fun
Date: I went on a date with an awesome girl, and we had fun :)
Box hill pool hall: I was introduced to an awesome pool hall in Box Hill, which is really close to my home. AWESOME :)
Boardgame night's: A friend of mine has started a semi-regular boardgame nights at his place. It's been really fun so far.
Lawn bowls: Tried out some lawn bowling with some friends, and it was really fun. I can see the attraction. :)
Board games at work: In fact, I'm having so much fun with boardgames that I've even come into work on a day off to play some boardgames! :)
Tangled: Fun movie, I was impressed that the animals never talked. One hell of a toxic mom-daughter relationship.
Unstoppable: Or the train that couldn't stop....If you go in with low/no expectations then it's a pretty fun ride. There's more panning right-to-left shots than a Michael Bay movie as well :)
Meetup with Dom + green hornet: GREAT to catchup with Dom again after not seeing each other for AGES. Green Hornet is ok, not worth the 3D but Kato and Kato-vision is awesome.
Australia day bbq: Fun times were had :)
7.1 speakers: I stay up till 4.15am trying to put together a 7.1 Home Theater
Boardgame night: So awesome that we stayed up waaay to late, and headed home at like 2am.
Adrians birthday party: Fun times, too bad I rocked up late but I made up for it by leaving at 3am :P
Meetup with sian & northland: Did the honourable thing and kept a friend who had no aircon company on the 40 degree weekend. We walked around northland and had fun windowshopping.
Family dinner for cny: awesome fun, and red packets ftw!
Drop off dad at airport: Dad went on a trip to see family back in HK and China. Airport parking is a rip, but I got to use the Airblade (dries hands in 10 seconds!). :)
And then I get home to find my brother already using the 7.1 system to watch Top Gear...the couch isn't even cold from Dad's butt yet :P
Boys night out: Ostensibly as a farewell for a friend who's going to the US, but in fact just an excuse for the organiser to try and talk to a staff member. lol. Still the place was awesome, the beer menu was 4 times as long as the food menu. :)
Benny's birthday party: Even though it rained like crazy, the party was awesome. I parked my car and just followed the sounds of chanting to find 12 guys sitting round a table playing an awesome drinking game. It ended up with one guy standing on the table naked whilst being covered in beer. I even managed to try a greek honey alcohol drink of some sort. It was really nice, smooth and tasty. Great time :)
And now my bro and I have just put together a a coffee table that's labelled "Gen-X Coffee Table", I kid you not. :)
Fun link: Sexy Batman