I don’t mean to get started
But im like the paper on the floor
Lying alone, ripped, broken
Like my heart’s core
Like you’re long lost memory
Or last nights dream
Its gone away, forgotten
This is all it seems
Im like any other star
Trying my best to beam
You never wish upon me
Im holding my blasting scream
Im like that little speck of nothing
Upon which you put no care
Everytime I think of you
I know the reality of it is a nightmare
Because im like that piece of dust
Being swept and thrown away
And that spilt second I felt your touch
My mind went astray
But before I knew it it was gone
It left before it came
But unlike you ill never forget
That moment my heart went aflame
And ill push you in my heart
Like you threw me out of yours
I cant help but express my feelings of you
Through each and every pore
So like that tiny crumb
Lying on your empty plate
You’ll push me away so easily
I can’t get better at this rate
You can crumple my paper heart
And throw it out the door
Ive been forgotten once
I could careless if im forgotten anymore