Nov 21, 2024 08:08
So far there have been numerous prominent republicans calling for people of the lgbtq+ community to be put in camps. Some have called them re-education camps, some have called them isolation camps....but the point is very clear - the nazi party has taken over here in the US, and just like last time, they're initially going after the lgbtq+ community, the poor, homeless and people they deem mentally ill. In fact another republican claimed that people on antidepressants should be sent to camps. And of course they're going to be sending "illegals" to the camps, as they can't just deport them all. They claim they will not deport American citizens but they are changing the definition of citizen. Now they're claiming that people whose grandparents entered the US illegally are also illegal, and thus they, too, will be deported. No more birth right citizenship. They're talking about de-naturalization.
Christofascists in Illinois have found another way to try and torture and kill women and girls. Now they're suing the governor over a law that allows "abortions" to be covered by health insurance. Remember, they have now deemed anything that interferes with natural birth as being abortive. They have even called the removal of deadly ectopics that will never result in a baby, abortion. They havew refused to clean out incompleted miscarriages, leaving women and girls to go septic and nearly die before any treatment is allowed. They have denied early c-section to a teenage girl who was septic and dying. The c-section would have saved her life, as they needed to get the baby out. And it might have saved the baby, as well, since by that point it was just on the cusp of viability. But since there was also a chance the baby could die, the doctors didn't want to risk it, as they could end up in prison for performing an "abortion" even though they were trying to save both mother and baby. So they did nothing and both died. The "abortion" bans in red states have made pregnant women the "untouchable" non-citizens in a patriarchal, male dominate slaveworld. SO....wanting to remove "abortion care" from health insurance means that women and girls will not be able to get life saving emergency care, even care meant to save both them and their babies....and in a lot of cases such care (without insurance), especially in emergency situations, costs thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars....which includes the er, the or, one but the filthy rich can afford to pay that out of pocket. And so just as in red states, the maternal death rate will begin to rise in blue states, as well....even if there are no "abortion" bans here.
Elon Musk is getting WAY to close to the Trump admin. SO let's consider.....there is nerulink, brain to computer interface (bci) that will soon be available to the masses. If he gets any power at all, what if it is decided that, for the sake of security and identification, everyone has to get the implant, or some sort of implant? Ironic how the so-called christians have been warning about something like that for decades, and now they voted it.
Trump has also said that, when he takes office, he will declare a national emergency, regarding the supposed "illegal" immigrants. And his new "border czar" has said that if the blue states will not cooperate, they will force them. Meaning they will invade. So has anyone heard of martial law? If you've been reading my blod for years, you have. AT that point the constitution is suspended and the sitting president can do anything. Yeah. Yet one more thing that the so-called christians have been warning about for decades, and now they voted for it.
As I have said for years, if you give christofascist barbarians an inch they will take everything. They will not stop ripping your freedom, your rights, your lives....away from you until nothing is left. And then, as the church has done in ages past, they will hide the bodies of women, girls and little girls....CHILDREN....that they so mercilessly mutilate and butcher alive forcing them to give birth and denying them any real medical care or comfort. They deny the deaths so that no one understands the true horror of what they are doing, and no one stands up to oppose it. The church has hidden bodies in little girls and the babies they were forced to bear in septic tanks to hide the fact that they forced CHILDREN to deliver, mutilating them from the waste down, killing them, and crushing their babies because the mothers were so small, children themselves, and were not allowed any beneficial medicdal care. Or they burry the bodies in mass graves, or dump them....and in the cases where women and girls are allowed a real burial (you know, like HUMAN BEINGS) the church shows its dominance over them by stabbing a cross into the headstone.
The barbarians crave battle, they can not be satisfied with out - the thrill of the hunt, the prospect of conquest, running with a pack against a common and created enemy. They will do whatever it takes to create the conditions necessary for war. They will provoke until their targets can no longer remain silent....and then the barbarians will play thre victim, claim that they are being attacked....and use that to justify all out war. Years ago I said we would get to the point where they would have little girls raped, force them to carry to term, force them to deliver without any pain management, tear them apart, break their bones, bleed them out...blood, sweat, tears and agony, and the parents of the children will have NO RIGHTS to their make decisions for their child's welfare, they will be forced to let the sadistic pedos in the false church do this to children....unto bloody death. I warned that if the barbarians were allowed even one foot int he door, one toe, one fucking toenail.....they would break the door down, swarm in.....and eventually take everything, get worse and worse, and ever more sadistic....until the people have no fucking CHOICE but to fight them. And here we are. These are same same subhuman monstrosities that will wage matricide, femicide, genocide, cultural genocide....and then claim that their victims, those they do this to, are the ones who started a war....FOR DARING TO FIGHT BACK, for reusing to just lie down and die!!!!!! This is the twisted, sick, perverse, rotting male hivemind that all too many females have been infected with. This is the rot of humanity.
And so now we are in a situation where Putin is committing genocide and cultural genocide against Ukraine, and anyone who tries to stop him is deemed the warmonger and will be blamed if there is a bigger war. Meanwhile, Putin has already tried to claim certain parts of Alaska as his, and we know he will not stop with those smaller areas once he gets them. He also wants eastern europe, and from there....he will destroy the north and the west. And he has threatrened to use nukes if anyone tries to stop him. And the sick, depraved, vile, sadistic, monstrously stupd barbarian males bend over for him because he, being more intelligent than the stupid animals, knew exactly how to get them on his side....he boosted their ego, absolved them of responsibility for their actions if their actions only harmed people that need to be subjugated in order for a dictator to take over, he allowed them full reign to do as they please to women and children....including sexual assault, etc. This is what the conquerors do when they seek to take over a nation. They appeal to the lesser males by boosting their ego, and allowing them to act on their selfish and cruel animalistic desires. And so the males bend over for the conquerors, handing their own nation to them, allowing the genocide and cultural genocide of their own long as they're given the illusion of some power in the new regime.
And as always, conservative, nationalistic, right-wing, nazi supporting zionists are behind all of this.
Oh yeah, I almost Trump is threatening to have his opponents thrown in prison, along with anyone who speaks against him. He calls his lies the turth and the truth, lies. And so he threatens legal action against anyone who spreads "misinformation" which, in reality, means he is threatening legal action against anyone who tells the truth. Yet one more constitutional right....gone.....freedom of speech. And that includes freedom of the press. And as always these barbaric vessels of deceit and rot twist and reverse everything claiming that they are the ones fighting for freedom of speech, and that it's liberals trying to destroy it. FIlthy, vile, unhuman, perverse, rotting antichrist reversals - that is what the false church is filled with, and it spreads its filth and deceit throughout the world.