Oct 31, 2024 19:29
Tonight let us honor our ancestors, our foremothers, who fought the same battles, cried the same tears, shed the same blood. Let us give thanks for their accomplishments, and also swear to pick up where they left off, to finish this once and for all, so that the next generation does not have to fight this same fight, cry these same tears, shed this same blood, and suffer the way we have under the patriarchy. Let us make a vow tonight, to destroy the patriarchy once and for all, so that it may never rise again. Let the old ways be gone, the new begin, as we go forth into a world of peace, prosperity, nurturing...where everyone has what they need not only to survive but to propser, and where no one has the right to "own" another human being, nor enslave, nor rape, nor breed by force, nor commit genocide. The male drive to conquer and destroy must be subdued so that no more harm can be done.
Let the feminine rise, take her rightful place on the throne, and clean up this mess once and for all.
Happy Samhain and Blessed Be.