Oct 29, 2024 15:58
Execution for women who have abortions, say the christians. But not for males who rape little girls, force them to give birth, butcher them alive, torture them to bloody death, and then crush the babies. Not for christians who deny life savinng medical care to women, such as removal of ectopic pregnancies, christian who LIE and claim that ectopics can be relocated to the womb....those lies are killing women and girls. They want to execute women for removing a clump of cells without organs, something that can't think, feel or suffer? Maybe it's the false christians who should be executed for crimes against humanity, the torture and bloody slaughter of women and girls who died due to the forced births and abortion bans - bans that include the removal of deadly ectopics, the flushing out of remains after an incompleted miscarriage, and lack of modern medical care during birth....christians should be executed for the suffering and deaths of these women and girls. How 'bout that???? They call sane people murderers for REFUSING to allow women and girls to die over a clump of cells that will never become a baby because it will kill the women/girls first. Yet they, these false christians, are the real murderers, because their laws are leading to the torture and death of ACTUAL women, girls and babies. If anyone is to be executed, it is the false christians who take so much pleasure in torturing women and girls to nedar death and even bloody death. When women have to be fucking AIR LIFTED out of republican states to get emergency medical care in a democratic state, that is intentional killing of women and girls. And it's about time the murderes were held accountable.
If a little girls is raped in a red state, run by christofascists, and she becomes pregnanct, they will punish her for the crime of the rapist. They will lock her up in a "home" to make sure she does not go to a free state, and they will force her to give birth, often without real medical care. She will suffer in agony as her tiny body is torn apart, and quite possibly she will die. Remember those "homes for unwed mothers" in Ireland, where so many women and girls died it was a scandal? Yeah....they died not only because they were abused but also because they were denied modern medical care. The church took their babies and sold them. It was a human breeding farm where human women and girls, Gentiles, were used as broodmares to make the church even richer. But in reality, it was punishment. And for those who were raped, it was punishment for what was done to them. Corporal punishment, and in many cases capitol punishment.
Numerous women in republican states have been arrested for miscarrying. And not just under the suspicion that they intentionally induced an abortion, which would be deemed murder in a red state (but forcing a woman to maintain an ectopic until it kills her is not considered murder) but also pertaining to their every day life, whether or not they did anything that might have caused the miscarriage, which would have them charged with manslaughter.
It can be anything. The monstrosities making the decisions for women and girls (now that women and girls no longer have bodily autonomy or self determination)are barbarian males who know as little about the female reproductive system as they do about the shape of the earth, which many of whom still believe its flat.They were put in charge of women's health, and the nation, by the terrorists who are trying to destroy the west. And it's working. It works every time. Such barbarians can not maintain civilization - they destroy healthcare and lead to a catastrophic level of unnecessary pain, suffer and death, especially for women and children. They get rid of education and replace it with religious dogma. They slack on infrastructure so that everything begins to collapse. They get rid of regulations that prevent over polluting the land, air and water, and end up making everyone sick. They get rid of regulcations that keep food safe, and end up poisoning huge parts of the population.....and they bend over for the conquerors who tell them what they want to hear, boost their ego, and give them free reign to rape and fuck and breed with women and girls without consequence or responsibility. They promose them absolute freedom but only give them an illusion of freedom. "FATHER'S RIGHTS," they shout, as they strip women of every right they've ever had over their own body, life and even whether they live or die. Yet as the males take such away from women, they don't realize they've also given up their own. If a male does end up loving a woman, if he's even capable, and she becomes pregnant and has complications, he can not decide to save her life - the government now decides for both of them. And if he tries to rush her to a free state, he will be arrested.
These sick, stupid, sadistic barbarians think an ectopic can be moved to the uterus, which is a lie. They think that if an 8 year old can conceive she can safely give birth, which is a lie. In fact it's a lie that drives them to make decisions that end up torturing, mutilating, butchering, bleeding out and killing little girls and crushing the babies born to them. Lies kill. And when the deaths come, first they deny that anyone has died due to their laws. They hide the bodies, silence the victims, etc. And when they can no longer hide the deaths, they simply blame them on anything but what actually cused it. And if they do succeed at silencing the victims, they then say "PROVE IT" when we speak of such deaths. Out of sight, out of mind. This is intentional killing. OF THEIR OWN FUCKING WOMEN!
Before modern medicine pregnancy and childbirth were the number 1 cause of death for women, girls and infants. Modern medicine saved millions upon millions of lives....and now the false christians are taking away even life saving medical care. It gets worse and worse. They swore the life of the mother would not be put in danger. Now they deny the danger and therefore deny life saving medical care, thus leading to the deaths of the mothers and infants. They deny the deaths until they can't anymore, and then they blame them on anyhting but their laws that ripped away healthcare from women and girls. Then they say that there's no medical necessity for abortion - ever. They include ectopic pregnancies in this. They include the removal of remains from an incomplete miscarriage. And in the worst cases they include c-section meant to SAVE both mother and baby. Then they claim they never meant to end c-sections and that no women would be left to die by being denied one. Yet as soon as it happens, they claim she didn't need one and they go right back to shouting, "IT'S BETTER THAN KILLING BABIES" when we're literally talking about a medical procedure that would have saved the mother AND the fucking baby. This is how these conversations go - round and round until they wear you down....and so the deaths continue.
They just keep mixing words and arguments, changing it up and running people in circles until people give up. Yes this is fucking murder. While we can't call it murder in the states because they have now legalized femicide, on the world stage, when it comes to countries that are still first world....this is considered murder. This is literally an act of warfare. This is what the zionists did in Gaza. They got rid of maternity wards in hospitals. Then they got rid of midwives, though even midwives could not perform due to restrictions on the care they could give. Finally women and girls were forced to travel to the border to try and cross into Israel for emergency help, and many bled out and died in agony waiting. This is a method of mass murder that allowes the terrorists to claim they didn't intend to kill anyone. Yes they did. They know damn well that pregnancy and birth are deadly, especially for young girls. By forcing them to give birth, and to do so without medical care, they know damn well the death count will be catastrophic. ANd now they're doing it to the Gentiles in the US. And the fucking barbarian males are sick, stupid, selfish, cruel and sadistic enough to let it happen, and even to enforce it.
So back round to the claim that no one has died or even nearly died from an ectopic, because removal of such is allowed. They say this AFTER they literally said that there is NO medical need for abortion in any case, even ectopic which they claim can be relocated. Then they go right back to claiming that the life of the mother is less important than the life of the "baby" even when we're talking about a just conceived clump of cells without any organs. The heartbeat law that claims a baby (in reality a just fertilized egg or zygote) can not be removed once a heartbeat can be detected. Yet they claim there is a heartbeat at 6 weeks. This is a lie. There isn't even a heart at 6 weeks - there are NO organs. The pulsating they pick up is coming from the mother as her heart pumps and electrical signals are then felt. WHat does the heartbeat law really mean, then? It means no life savinbg medical care can be administered until HER heart stops. That is what it actually means. That is intentional killing. It is femicide. It is matricide. And the fucking barbarians are too god damn stupid to understand. Although some do. And they don't care. BUt the puppet masters know exactly what they're doing. Mass deaths of women and girls was the plan all along, and to make sure they suffer as much as possible as they die.
But it's also to destroy the lives of women who survive.
So now anything a woman does in her life can be used to charge and convict her of manslaughter if she miscarries. In reality miscarriage is SO common that almost all women who have regular sex without protection have miscarried without knowing it. Fertilized eggs don't always attach, or imbed in the womb. In many cases they flush right out of the body. But because the barbarian savages are in control now, they will use this as a means to control every aspect of a woman's life. And they already are. Women who miscarry, in red states, are often charged with manslaughter, arrested, and then have to prove they didn't do anything that might have caused the miscarriage. And it can be blamed on ANYTHING. What did she eat, drink, what medication did she take (women almost have to go back to living in the dark ages before modern medicine), what cosmetics does she use, how often does she bathe, where does she go during the day, who does she see regularly, etc. It can be anything. Women have to be scared throughout their entire pregnancy because, if something goes wrong, the sick, stupid, savage barbarian monstrosities will use ANYTHING as an excuse to blame them. And then imprison them. Take their freedom, their rights. Oh yeah - and felons can't vote. The barbarians will do this even if it was their own fucking laws that killed the baby. In one particular case a pregnant woman was thrown in prison to supposedly protect her baby. Then she went into labor, was crying and screaming in pain, no one came to help her, and she had to give birth on the dirty bathroom floor. They both almost died, not because of anything she did, but because of what was done TO HER by the sick fucking twisted barbarian males who claimed to be trying to protect her baby. And that's not the first time a woman was forced to give birth on the dirty floor of a jail bathroom.
Worse, these males will fuck little girls so young that, in order to give birth, the girls have to be ripped in half, oregans mutilated, bones often broken, and the males claim this is perfectly natural. If the baby dies, which is often the case when the mothers are so tiny, they will blame the mother OVER ANYTHING. Even if she is nine. Did she ever eat a piece of chocolate? Well she shouldn't have, she should have known it might one day harm a potential fetus. That is the excuse. They will blame ANYTHING but the actual cause - that little girls can not safely give birth, and their laws not only made her, but also denied her life saving medical care that would limit damage to her body and that of the baby.
And then the travel bans. Pregnant women can't leave the state? Pregnancy tests before any woman can leave the state? Yup.
This is what women and girls have to deal with now in red states. And as soon as another republican becomes president, be in now or in 4 years - this will be nationwide. And all of those women who had to be AIR LIFTED to blue states for emergency medical care that they could not get in their own states will simply die.
All because white males want absolute power over absolutely everyone, and will torture and kill their own in order to get it.
Of course, this is not about saving babies. It never was. It's about stripping HUMANITY of basic human rights and freedoms - bodily autonomy, privacy, the right to travel, etc. Not to mention these laws (now the Roe v Wade is gone) are being used to allow state employees to deny marriage licenses to anyone, based on their own religions beliefs - and it can be over anything - same sex marriage, interracial marriage, interfaith marriage, etc. They shout parents rights but they're trying to take away the rights of parents to teach their kids what they want how they want, or to allow them to read certainbooks, or be exposed to certain topics. Even books like the Color Purple Diary of Anne Frank have been banned! These morons keep shouting parents rights and small government while giving the government TOTAL fucking control over their lives, the lives of their children, and even when and how their children are born, and how much suffering the mother must endure, and even whether she lives or dies.
Now the gov can have total control over every aspect of peoples' lives - from conception to death. This is what the fucking males have done. This is what I have been warning about for decades. They just kept denying it until it happened. Then they tried to deny it anyway, by hiding the states and the bodies! When they can no longer hide it they find a way to justify it. And round and round we go. Laws such as this are first used against women and other groups of scaprgoats because it is understood the majority of fucking males will allow it and even enforce it. Once such laws become the borm, and large numbers of the human population are forced to subsist in this manner, more and more groups are targeted until everyone, in one way or another, is under such restrictive police state restrictions. NO ONE IS FREE. All so a group of males could exist, for a short time, under the illusion of absolute power.....and of course, to have the right to fuck any women and girl they want without consequence. Such males would give up their entire fucking nation, bend over for the conquerors, if the conquerors allow them to harass, abuse, rape, breed by force and enslave women and girls. And so they have, over and over again. Thrown their own nation to the wolves to be conquerord, and allowed the conquerors to rape and enslave their own women....so long as the males were given the illusion of freedom under the new regime. No, males are not protectors and never have been.
Anyone who votes for Trump at this point is a traitor not only to this nation (he is working for Israel and Russia) but also to the human race. They should be brought up before the ICC and charged with crimes against humanity.
Pity that the barbarian males are so fucking inferior that they can't even take part in s civilized world where others have rights and freedom. They have to destroy everything, drage humanity back to the dark ages, keep people sick, stupid, uneducated, desperate.....this is the only way the barbarian male can compete.
So here we are. I'm too god damn tired now. I shudder at the thought of what they have already done to trans people in red states, and their place for the entire lgbtq+ community if the republicans win and Project 2025 (or whatever they re-name it) is implemented. So many trans people have already had to flee red states. If this rotting disease of white male supremacy goes nationwide, there will be a whole lot of people from the lgbtq+ community, and a huge percentage of the female population, fleeing to Canada. In some cases for life saving medical care. And then they'll have to stay there as they will face arrest in the US.
Fuck us all.