We done yet?

Sep 29, 2024 14:01

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Not to mention the women who are too scared to go to the hospital while miscarrying because they might face criminal charges even though they did nothing to cause it.

"Abortion is murder of an innocent child!," shout the femicidal, matricidal false christian terrorists. And yet they care nothing if the mother dies. They will deem even the removal of an ectopic pregnancy that will NEVER become a baby, an abortion and therefore murder.....they would rather let the mother suffer and die than remove a clump of cells that has no brain, central nervous system, or organs, and can't think, feel and suffer. The supposed clause to protect the mother's life is a lie, because women and girls need to be crashing right there, bleeding out, their vitals dropping, before doctors can do anything. And by that point it's often too late. This is why the maternal death rate has increased over 50% in Texas, and 11% nationwide. They even refuse to allow treatment for incomplete miscarriage, leaving women to bleed out in hospital bathrooms or at home.

The only salvation in this is that some states still allow life saving healthcare for the mother, and so many women have been air lifted out of republican states and taken to free democratic states for emergency treatment. Of course we learned that this isn't always enough, either, since one woman did not get there in time and died anyway. Other women survived but seriously mutilated, one was in a coma for weeks, another was so destroyed internally because of the delay that she became infertile; she and her husband wanted a family. Oh well. SOme of these women who died had children that they left before, and so do some of the survivors, who would have left their children motherless if the republicans got their way. But oooooh republicans care soooooo much about children and families, don't they! No, they torture women to bloody death, leave children motherless, and often times crush little babies while they're being born, by denying the mother life saving c-section and thereby leading to the ACTUAL baby (at 9 months in the womb it DOES have a brain, central nervous system and can feel pain) being crushed, bones broken, bruised all over.....often to die in agony a short while later, or suffer lifelong consequences due to lack of medical care given his/her mother during the birth. And of course all the little girls, CHILDREN, they rip apart, mutilate, butcher alive by forcing them to bear their rapist's offspring....torturing those little girls to near bloody death and often to literal death - and these sick fucks want to allow child marriage. They just changed the defiition of a child to anyone who hasn't started menstruation yet. Eight year olds sometimes get their period. The  youngest I ever heard of was a 5 year old decades ago, and she had to have an EARLY c-section because she and the baby were dying, it was breaking her and mutilating her tiny little body, and if forced to give birth vaginally, they would have had to tear her in half and break her pelvis bones to get the baby out. Luckily the doctors were allowed to deliver early via c-section. But not today. Today they would force her to carry for as long as her tiny, underdeveloped body could hold up....torturing that child to bloody fucking death as a scarifice to their filthy, vile, murderous, femicidal god of war who demands the pain, suffering, bloodshed and death of women and girls. A child's body is not prepared for such a thing, but the LIARS who know little to nothing about biology claim that "If she can bleed....." And so little girls are torn apart, bones broken, organs mutilated. NO ONE'S body was meant for that. Same sickening animals in human flesh claim that "if there's grass on the field it's time to play ball." This is their definition of sexual maturity and justification to them that they can now use these kids as sex objects and broodmares, often killing not only the little girls but their own fucking offspring. Of course, the definition of "child" changes when they want to deem someone "too young" to make other choices for their bodies, such as gender transition. In such cases, they deem a person mentally unfit, or a child, until their fucking over 30. So the republikkans will deem a 9 year old to be a woman, because calling her a women (falsely) or at the very least "mother" will shift focus off her tiny child body and child mind, so people will be more willing to allow them to force her to become pregnant, force her to carry for as long as her little body can, and then tear her apart forcing her to give birth. Something that is brutally horrific even for adult women, but will be 1000 times worse for a child. For the same reason they will call a clump of cells without a brain, central nervous system or a body....a baby....to create a false imagine in the hive-mind of the masses of a cute, cuddly little baby. One male even claimed that at soon as conception, it's a tiny baby with a tiny baby's body, just like a baby that has been born, but smaller. This is a lie. It's clump of cells without a body. And these lies are KILLING actual children......and women.

This is what happens when males are allowed to rule. Unnecessary pain, suffering and death.

The false church will torture and kill ACTUAL children, and they will torture and kill ACTUAL babies in order to torture and potentially kill their mothers. Sickening antichrists posing falsely as followers of Christ, increasing pain, suffering and death to the maximum extreme possible. Rotten fruit from a rotten tree. Know them by their fruits.
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