Feb 22, 2005 00:51
(From the Rick's WOTD column on zippyzipzip.zapto.org)
geek squad
Pronunciation: 'ass hOles
1 : a bunch of overrated assholes who give you terrible time estimates
2 : a bunch of assholes who didn't do crap to fix my computer
3 : a bunch of assholes who don't know their assholes from their assholes
definition by me
So I take my computer into best buy to get the burner fixed. The guys in the geek squad take the computer and tell me it'll be 3-4 days. That was last Tuesday. By Thursday I started going in there to check and see if they were done with it.
Thursday: "We haven't looked at it yet."
Friday: "Still Waiting."
Saturday: "We looked at it, but we don't know... we'll have an answer tomorrow."
Sunday: "We didn't look at it today."
Monday: "Your burner, which we would replace for free is fine. Your computer however, has viruses, spyware, and a small German army which are all preventing your burner from working. That will cost you $110."
He didn't actually say that because he was fucking deaf, so he wrote it down. I figure what the hell, just get it done. Then the guy told me it would only take another 3-5 days to do it. At this point I wished I had majored in American Sign Language so I could say "FUCK YOUR MOTHER" in a way he could understand. I took my computer, unfixed, and went home. So now I have no fucking burner and I hope the geek squad eats my ass after a night of heavy drinking. Rob: Please help me with my computer.