Aug 16, 2008 09:50
The kitten informs me that I brought home a large bag of the World's Best Cat Toys this week: at the craft store, I spent $5.47 for a large bag (300 of assorted sizes) of bright colored pom poms, ranging from about 1/2 inch to 2 inches in size. They are fuzzy; they are very lightweight, so she can bat them around to her heart's content or carry them around in her mouth; and more important to the human in her life, they don't crunch or roll out from under a person's feet and trip her up.
The human has now been trained to carry a few in the right-hand front jeans pocket, and reaching into that pocket causes the kitten to crouch in happy anticipation of having something to chase. They do tend to get batted into corners where they won't come out, so picking up any object on the floor is likely to release one or more that got trapped. We are having endless fun.
(My only worry is that she might eat them -- no sign of that yet though.)
Future archaeologists will now understand why the dust bunnies in my house are so colorful ;)
They don't completely stop her from trying to "help" me type, or catch the computer mouse, but they offer at least a temporary distraction. When I'm trying to do serious writing, though, I pretty much have to shut her in the bedroom side of the house for awhile if she gets too excited. (No real hardship: she has food, water, catbox in the bathroom and plenty of places to sleep.)
Keeping a couple of inches of water in the bathtub is working splendidly as an easy way to keep her from playing in it early in the morning and waking up my landlord. She still plays with the shower curtain if I'm in there (this is definitely a cat who loves being undercover) but her perches of choice are now the windowsill, or the basket of magazines on the back of the toilet, while I brush my teeth.