I just wanted to watch Rear Window, guys

Apr 03, 2012 04:39

Blu-ray player acquired!

So how about I didn't even know they could also play regular DVDs? There's a Hulu logo on the box, so I'm assuming there's some way to connect it to the Internet... ? But I don't even care right now, I'm still fawning over having something new.

The only tv I could use to put this thing in my room is an old one that needed a convertor box. The tv doesn't have those red, white, and yellow jacks, but the convertor box does, so I tried hooking up the Blu-ray to the box, putting it on the channel 3, channel 4, hitting things on the convertor box remote that I don't know the meanings of. Nothing worked. I found a VCR that had the jacks, so I tried hooking that up. It seemed that since the channel 3 thing wasn't working, I'd have to find an aux channel or something. Something for which I'd have to have the tv remote (which I don't. It's old! My dad didn't let us use remotes!).

I remembered that I could get VCR channels, but I'd have to play a tape first. The first tape I grabbed was this Pokemon tape I got in the mail as a kid. I don't have the cover for it, so for the longest time I had no idea where it came from and how whoever sent it got my address. I was just going play the required second and then stop the tape to get to the VCR channels but ended up watching the whole tape. It seemed to be some weird promotional video for Pokemon before it even aired in America, and in the video, real-world, non-animated people are supposed to be the characters' friends.

It's just so funny because this "Aunt Hillary" is like, "Get this: There are one-hundred and fifty Pokemon."
I had no choice but to Google this, right? Turns out the videos were from Toy-R-Us and are pretty rare. Somebody was selling his on eBay for $150. I still don't know how Toy-R-Us got my address though... It's not like I shopped there often...

pokemon, tv

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