May 28, 2009 10:01
5/28/09. . .3AM. .. .
Strange rustling in the winds. Something's in the air, but it's not necessarily good. A lot of people who I consider to be a little off - and therefore more on than your average person - are having a helluva time getting things accomplished as of late. Even more describe feeling off or not themselves. And when it comes to matters like this, it's always the off ones who feel it most. I was told it was Mercury in retrograde, maybe so. Luckily, we only have 2 more days. That is, unless my informant was wrong, in which case she will get what's coming to her, ho ho.
But enough of that nonsense, there's no reason for it. Giant celestial body or not, I'm done. And by the great non-existant moon gods of Mercury, I'm going to take back what's mine no matter what it takes. This goddamn spell is too short to go wasting it on anything else but the cardinal rule: Live how you want, not at the expense of others. Keep that whole thing in mind and it will take you to where you want to be. Forget the ending, and karma will find you. Don't believe me? Give it a shot. You've done this all before.
That in mind, nobody can get inside your head unless you allow them. THIS INCLUDES YOURSELF. Negative thoughts will always be there and guess what, EVERYONE has them. But of course you will slip, there will be stumbles and horrific face plants into the cold concrete. But instead of feeding the demons, like you always do and deleteriously well, make work a defense against brooding. Just as you know how to embrace the rotten, you also know how to bring yourself out. Keep that PMA and nurture it. Blow that bitch up like some kush. Strive to be better than everyone else, never waste a minute and move forward in whatever you do. You never were one for a stagnant scene anyway. Remember, most of the Saints would've been diagnosed with mental disorders today. But, "they were Saints because they were able to stand the pressure of their respective neuroses rather than because they did not suffer from them." Keep telling yourself everything's ok and that THEY aren't out to get you and you too, can be a Saint.
For too long have you run back and forth, doing one thing than another, never committing to one thing, yourself. And that's the only person all this bullshit fuckery is screwing over. You only have yourself in this world baby. If you don't accomplish your dreams, your wants, your ideas, not only do you have nobody else to blame, but you're the only one who will suffer from it. And unless you're serious about punching yourself out, you're gonna have to live with yourself for what will seem like a very, very long time. So what's the point in letting yourself down? You can't even stand 24 hours, don't make it 24 years.
Basically, what I'm trying to say in short, is that you have what it takes as long as you believe in yourself. I never really knew what that meant before, but I know you're starting to finally understand. It's not a gimmick, it's not a hoax. Believe in yourself, and others will too. Confidence is sexy.