never mind the bollocks. . .

Nov 04, 2008 09:53

Aaaaaah election day. the smell of chads hangs in the air. For some of us hardcore junkies it's better than the Super Bowl, Christmas and St. Patrick's Day all rolled into one. It's the day of reckoning; the day when all the political wizards, propaganda ministers, number crunchers and image sellers hold their breath, waiting to see if their work payed off, and whose heads will roll if they aren't so fortunate. And let's not forget the candidates. With all the recent sex scandals, the American people have learned that it's a fine line between professional politician and high class hooker. Shit, just look at Palin.

Today's the day when you see the true side of the American people. . . or, as in most recent elections, how low the parties will stoop to rig a couple extra votes in their favor. And yet with all the talk, not much has been done about election rigging in the past two presidential elections. Not to mention the "improvements" done on the electronic voting machines. A recent Princeton test showed that some voting machines can be hacked in as little as seven minutes. How's that for protection?

But possibly the best part about the election so far is that even BEFORE today, McCain has been screaming voter fraud, vowing to call out Obama if the Dems happen to win this time around. . .You've gotta give it to the old fucker, that takes a lot of balls, however old they may be. But Jesus, apparently hot Republican women like old balls...

And speaking of balls, today's the day California votes whether or not to legalize gay marriage. A correspondent on Democracy Now! this morning accurately claimed it doesn't even seem like the presidential election is going on in this state; just prop 8. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm calling that 8 will pass. Never underestimate the deviously powerful combination of money and the Religious Right. As of last week, the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints DIRECTLY funded 44% of the Yes on 8 campaign. That doesn't even begin to take into account PRIVATE donations from citizens, religious or not.

Many of the earlier reports about this issue have all been quick to claim that 8 will pass because of the "minority vote." The theory here is that not only will this be a historic turn out in general, but specifically for the Black demographic. However, claim the experts, when it comes to issues of homosexuality the "minority vote" (and by this they also include Asians, Latinos, etc. you know, anyone not "white," whatever that means) is beyond conservative with "their" cultures based in machismo.

While there is some truth in this, it's not any true than for so-called "white" people. How many "minority" action heros can you think of? What would America have left if it lost it's image of masculinity? Don't believe the hype. It's not "their" problem, it's America's problem. Always be skeptical when people try to divide "us" and "them" along race lines because it happens all the fucking time.

8 will pass because the Right has done a brutal job at convincing people that not only are the children threatened by gay marriage, but religion will be too. The American people have become so ignorant of their own rights and laws that they actually believe any religion will not only be forced to marry gay people, but could lose their tax exemption status if they do not oblige. And of course, the kids. . .think of the children!

It's the damn kids that will also not get Prop 5 passed. A bill that could change the direction of the Drug War and save the state a yearly annual of $2.5 billion along with release almost 200,000 non-violent drug offenders. In other words, MARIJUANA OFFENDERS. As far back as 1937 when the Marijuana Tax Act was passed, the American Medical Association had proof of the medicinal benefits from marijuana and argued that there was NO reason to make it illegal. A plant that human beings have been smoking since we were living in caves (, that has had a long tradition in cultures throughout the world; is the same plant that 872, 721 people were arrested for in 2007. When almost a MILLION people a year are arrested for anything, let alone a plant like weed, it's time to take a serious look at the justification for such a law.

But what else would you expect from a goddamn dope fiend? Of course he'd want to change the laws. . . well, shit. Of course. You would too if you've ever tried the stuff. Shame if you don't. It's Nov and the hippies are finally showing up again; little kids excited to show off the science fair project they've been working on all summer.

Well, enough of this rambling. I've already spent too long writing this damn blog and I'm sure this fresh batch of Sour Diesel isn't helping. Tasty though.

So, in sum, happy voting on this election day. Make sure to take your camera phone into the booth with you in case you get an electronic machine that happens to "jump" or even dump your vote. Don't take any guff from those swine and don't let them steal this one too.
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