(no subject)

Aug 12, 2005 18:24

today was the final crit. it went nice, everyone was impressed with my final project again and complemented me by saying i had my own style that was very unique. the only other person in the class who is into fashion advertsing who im competative with, told me yesterday she was jealous of my style and that i always do really good work. which made my brian big and my body do internal backflips.

10 weeks over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im so relieved.

ryan and i are celebrating by going out to a nice dinner, my choice and seeing a double feature tonite.

i tried to sleep in today becasue my work was completly done, a great feeling by the way. but my body kept waking me up every hour since 7am making sure id get up. fianlly woke up around 10 and pounched on ryan to get up and make pancakes with me. we took oscar to the pond and ran around for a bit in the rain.

the past few days have been really nice. going to the beach and eating ice cream two days in a row, soon to be three. movie nights at lux, rock n roll high school.

in the next few weeks my dad and i will be painting the scooter. i still like the idea of gold and cream two tone. super metallic flake.
go on the boat with my dad, hang out at home. my mom and i are plainning on going to toronto for a few days to hang out. next weekend the gang is going up to the adarondacks, which is described as the best time ever. ryan and i are going to go to virginia to some king kong park for the day where there is a statue of king kong so big you can sit in the palm of his hand. lots of things going on. all of which include ice cream.
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