crown royale : drunk speak #1

Apr 28, 2008 23:45

so..tonight's been kinda a mixed nut. im not even sure what to believe about a lot of things.

i almost feel like that if i had a nightcap extended every night before bed, i could relax my mind. i would think about whatevers on my mind, after a mind numbing day. like today for example, i focus on one thing and just don't let it out of my head all day...days consume it and just fucking drone on and on and on.

people in my life affect me in different ways, depending on respect for them. for example, to make things easier like apples and bananas,,,,wne someone offers you advice on something like what style of clothes or music or opinion on politics, depending on your respect for them it affects you different. if you think highly of someone, you heed what they say soooo much more than anyone else around. you want to talk with people you respect, you want to be around people that offer you good opinions, rather than people who just are in it for their selfish behavior.

today i realized that a majority of the people i know are selfish, that when you call on them for advice, feeling, or guidence or even support that they break under pressure. like a cold dart thats poisoned the well of their heart, they are forever jaded and just say "fuck it".
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