<<< me at this moment
Well instead of facing the oodles of stress at school i got to rest for basically until a couple moments ago. (i just got out of bed)
i know as i'm typing this am watchin The Prince Of tennis movie which reminded me why i joined Tennis Club in the first place ^^ Ah Eji Kikumaru~ well yes i guess i feel a bet beter =] my voicw has almost returned thank Tenimyu for that XD. I'm thinking of watching Yukan Club again as i do my hw... should I??? *the scence of Karen's heels breaking and Miroku getting a bullet in his bullet proof vest plays in head* lol maybe.
*Rei sits and reflects on what she missed at school*
-track practice
-AP world
-stupid boys pushing her up on them
-Lazy People in ASB
-track practice
-candy sales
- ROOOOOOOOO! OMG i was supposed to give Roo the english HW! and finish my Chem Lab with him! OMG! T___T Gomen nasai Roo-kun!
-meeting with my advisor
-Peer Reading
hmmmm... okay.... well besides missing track practice i guess today wasn't so bad. OH I had this weird dream that i did the twist serve and Kaoru yelled at me cuz it hit him T___T BUT then Massu and Pi were at Seigaku o.O and that massu wanted to be my doubles partner! i was like... "huh?" well yeah Massu dream! Yay! maybe there are benifits of being sick~