I <3 Weekend's :)

May 01, 2005 20:34


School was really good until i found out about this w h o l e** tim thing, but i'm over it and over the drama :) besides that i went home with my dearest ::trIsha aNNe:: hung out with hEr had some fun tEEHEE & ::Danielle:: Came over Then we calleD :::DaNNY:: & He came and got us hung out with him & some people on the BeAcH & goT {{Crunk}} :-D Drove arOund wiith Most of the niight Met ::Nate:: & ::Tim:: and CVS gOt Bitched at bEcaUse I was wiith ::daNNy:: It's SoOo Funny we Were s00 mean to him cause' he was beING a --D I C K-- Soo we JeTTIed && :danny: Forgot To Turn His LightS on && we Got PULLED OVER by 4 Damn CopS so ((SketChy)).. So we decided to Go To ::JustiNs:: for thE niighT && Hang out with him and ::Jeramie:: Hungg out wiith Em' && ::jusTin:: said we couldn'T stay the =Night= ..sOo we called ::Chris:: & ::RobeRt:: && Rode around with em' weNt to WENDYS becAuse we where STRIVING && Thenn Met up wiith some people at [NoRthBeach] && i took a BASEBALL bat to a Sigh So great i dented the Bat the Champ i am :) && i Lost my damn shoes Soo we Went To Wal-Mart && bought Some shoes, So funny :-p Saw lot of People at Wal_mart Pretty Werid if ya' ask me Wal_mart At 12 Then ::breNt:: called && said he wanted To RaCe Waited for hIm && drove BACK to ::Justins:: to pick him up && turns out he was sleeping and didn't wake up BuT ::jearmie:: came && we Drove around to look for somewhere To _RaCe_ Ended up CowCreek:: && ::Brent:: BleW the DOORS off ::RoberTs:: Car, haha :-p Then.. Drove around && dranK some`` Then went Backk to ::roberts:: && CrAsheD:: && ::danny:: said He would come && get us at 6:00 so we set the Alarms :)


Woke up at 5:00 to ::chris:: sitting in a chair DrInkinG ::Mr.Jack Daniels:: ..weird i know && Got ALL readY for ::danny:: to Come && get Us Turns out he wasn't allowed Till'' LateRR sOO crashed So i prettt much got ReaDy for NOTHING.. Woke up at 9:00 && we ALL went Mickey D's :) && Then The ::Hatchers residents:: Met up with ::Kyle:: Chilled there for a little Threw A FULL enerGY Drink At ::Chris:: haha && waiTed For ::Billy:: && Went back to ::robert's:: Chilled && Took showers While they were racInG && Gott ready Too Go to the "flea_market" haha.. YEAH RIGHT! Well, we chased Some GAY GUY wearing shorter short then ::Danielle:: && ::Kyle:: with his BIG mouth Called some BIG balck mama a ::nigger:: && She thought it was ::billy:: so we jetted outta thurr && went To "Nigger K_mart" As soon as we walked in the doors we got yelled at cause' ::billy:: wasn't wearin a shirt so ::chris:: took his over shirt off && gave it too ::Billy:: && Walked around there && some little black girl called us WHITE CRACKAS haha && then Went && had a Colone && Shaving cream fiight ..Then while we where haVing our Pillow Fiight We saw Some *Retard* on a scooter Wiith his Mom YELLING && Hitting Him cause' he Pissed his pants && was tryiing to DRIVE off on the little Scooter thing So we Went to GeT Some "dish_soap" && Checked Out && ::Me:: ::Danielle:: ::Robert:: and ::Billy:: where messin with these People outSIDE while we Where Watin for :chris:: && :kyle:: to get down paying As we where Leaving the "nigger_k-mart" we let em' a little surpise (Ran over there sigh && cone) Then DB ::beachside:: && shoot shop at PPL walking the streets && went to the TAFFY FACTORY && got some IceCream && went to Phantom Fireworks && while we were wating The angel i am took the shop && shot the Hell outta the truck beside us inside and all 0- :) && then went on the Search for a fountain Drove Around for like 15 MINUTES then fanilly with the good eyes ::daneille:: Has we found one && Put a whole Bottle of soap in the fountain && the SECOND we left a Cop pulled up Talking bout' lucky && Threw fireworks out the window && went to "Save_a_lot" to get some eggs made :chris:: go in cause' we up this thing in his ciggeratte that made it blow up && :billy:: let a bottle rock off in the car && threw it at ::kylE:: && Then he called some black lady a nigger, tehe && Put shaving CReam on the car beside us && ::chris:: came back with 60 egg's hehe, && on our way back to NSB threw em' at People && hit some Lady riight in the HEAD, haha && Drove by ::Dexes:: neighborhood && egged cars && houses Then Back ta' ::Robert's:: && ::Danny:: came to piCk us up Went Back to his House && chilled while they TRYED to put his system in && his mom said we had to leave Soo we went to ::kyle m:: house wan SAT there while we WASTED a few hours b/c it turns out in the end the Amps blew out && dropped off ::kyle:: at his dad's went && went off roaded && then to burger king to pee Then ::dannys:: to get some ALCH && then to ::Kyle coles:: but nothing was going Down Soo We Went to Bk to eat && made a mess && came to my house chilled for a while drank some beers && they took us BACK to BK to met up with ::Anthony:: & ::chris:: cause ::Danny:: had to go home && on our way the ::Anthonys:: got invited to the hunting camp road party But didn't go && to went to north back Chilled then.. ::Anthonys:: house && ::Brent:: came over && we Came back to my hosue for the night && Drank some MORE && hangout Then Crushed fanially at like 6:00


Woke up at 8:00 cause' ::brent:: said he had to wokr then but he didn't go so we wnt back to bed and my damn cam was the ALARM clock haha at like 12:00 && ::Brent:: left && we took showers && got ready then ::Danny:: ::micheal:: && ::chris:: came and hung out with us till like 3:10 && ::Danny:: made us some yummy eggs && they left cause ::danny:: had to work && we ate and now we are FANILLY relaxin' miight do SoMeThiinG Later Well All & all my weekend was a blast once again, I love weekend’s.

*Comment and tell me how your  weekend went :)


Becky anna

He knows <33
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