Mar 22, 2005 10:38
Left school at noon for my cardiologist appt.
I had to strip down to my underwear and wear one of those blue gown thingies.
It was awkward cuz the nurse girl was all like puttin the sticky tab things on all around my boobs. I felt so violated lol.
To get the story short, I have a small heart murmur which is normal for my age.
And the worst thing ever! NO MORE CAFFINE!!! gah im soo gonnna just DIE!
thats all i drink, literally.
Well atleast I can drink non caffine products.
But still no more caffine, no more CHOCOLATE!, no more ICE TEA!!, and god help me cuz theres no more of my absolute favorite drink cuz the pepsi company basterd dont make no caffinated mountaindew. AH the horror.
It sucks.
Like no fountain soda is actually no caffine either.
Im gonna die! lol.
Oh and my hearts being monitered as we speak.
I have to walk around with this gizmo thingie for 24 hrs.
Its like attached to my chest in 5 different places.
I feel like a dork.
It comes off 3:05 pm tomorrow.
So now a million ppl are gonna ask me what the fuck is that tomorrow.
I saw Ring 2.
I will not sleep tonight.