my friday

Dec 18, 2004 17:03

friday: went to school took my midters got out early then me and nae and chrystal were bored so we called christian to do something we started walking to his house then he called and said that he left to go somewhere so then i saw my friend chase driveing and got to sayhi to him havent seen him since last year so then me chrystal and nae walked to coles house and hung out there for a while playing with his deadly cat... we walked to the park (so he could rake the yard) to see if beal and scotty were there they werent so we walked to saras to see if she was home and she wasent so we walked back to coles helped him finish rakeing the yard put nae in teh trash can. haha then he took us out driveing cause we were bored we went all over the town destroying everything and everyone. then we went to taco bell i payed but i dident eat. then we went to scottys house and hung out there for a while then he took us home.
we watched t.v. and then went to the movies to see limmeny splickets it was boring in the begginning but the middle and end was we had to hangout there for a longg time cause we dident have a ride then jordy gave us one and there was a cat in the back of the car meowing so freekin loud. it was annoying. got home and went to sleep...
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