i smoke chewy like a motherfuckin nut

Oct 12, 2005 06:41

so its 645 in the AM!!!! im fucking crazy and i shouldnt be up and my keyboard is fucked up and i have to press shift at the same time as the spacebar otherwise i get this happeninge ande itse fuckinge gaye cose "e"se aree everywheree ande ife ie presse the periode buttone thene ie gete thise t.t.t.t.t.t.e whiche ise fuckinge crazyt.e ande ime note evene drunke anymoree ie sweare ie passede oute prettye earlye ie thinke cose ie wase supposede toe calle laurie ande ie passede oute ande yeahe :(e bute richarde camee overe ande wee akae hee watchede ae moviee ande ie slepte ande whene ie woke upt.t.likee 15minutese agoe ie noticede hese stille heree somewheree ime juste note suree wheret.e ie havete gottene arounde toe lookkinge fore hime yett.e fuckinge ce ise fore crunke ande ime goinge toe torontoe fuckinge tomorrowt.e akae thursdayt.e thise keyboarde ise pissinge me offe soe mucht.e ande owe ie juste hite my enose ande ie forgote thate itse piercedt.e crazy
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