Jul 05, 2004 23:15
well today was ok but yesterday was awsome i got to see my amanda and we went to tempe town lake i think this is what its called but we were broke so we walked around mill ave it was very fun then we asked shannon for four dollars and she gave it to us but she was under the inpretion we were going in but we went to a resterant it was our first one it was fun then we didint know how to pay and we were leaving but the girl was like hey u too stop their u cheap basterds and she looked all happy but then i said wait until she sees i didint leave a tip and i was laughing all sinister like then we went to go get the blanket we brought and layed down and we were talking about our past and we had a fun time i love her so much she means more than the world to me and i hope she is my one then we were leaving but alot of ppl were all leaving at the same time so we got off the car to let the traffic go so then we walked to mill ave again and some gayass cops was being an asshole then he called me over and said that i slaped the horses ass but i didint and some other guy stopped and said that i didint and then the cope said walk or go to jail so i took out my led pipe and hit him in the head and i blamed it on some black guys then we whent to get something to drink wait hold on first this happend and then we got out of the car yhea then we got something to drink and we whent to go lay down in the grass and we were putting ice down our shirts and pants that was fun then the traffic cleared up and we left but i had no idea were we were until i saw the freeway then i was ohh i know were we are those were my exact words and we stoped to visit amandas mom but she dosent work their anymore so i took her my hunnybunny home and came home to sleep and today i went to the mall with vince and his fam and me and vince whent to play marvel vs campcon 2 and i was beating this kid like 7 times and then he walked away and vince said he was crying and then someother guy came and i beat him 8 times and he was all pissed off so he left then we left and walked around and met up with tony and his cousins and then we left to johnny rockets with vinces parents to eat it was delishous so then i had to leave to go to my house but we stoped to play marvel again and some guy was their so beat him up all fast and then vince played and then i left and was all bored then i picked vince and tony and we were suppose to jam but we didnt so took them home and i took a shower and that was my day so yhea i miss u amanda, i love buh bye