I am so freaking tired. Today is day number 8 in a row at work. It's been nice at work though because Joy and Ashley are on vacation. Well, I miss Ashley lots but not Joy. Without her everything has been so smooth and Lorena has been on vacation for four days too. Her last day is the 15th and I'm fucking glad. She's causing so much high school drama it's rediculous. So I've worked with Kenny for the past 8 days and it's been raw as hell. I love it because he actually trusts me and will leave me alone to do what I need to do and he lets me do overrides and run the front end. He leaves me alone to go to the bank and such and I have no problems. I don't want the manager position, but it's good to know that I can do it. Yah know? I even got a shoplifter last night. I was walking through the Floral Dep. and I walked by this woman and I did a double take for some reason and she had a buggy with huge ass bag of dog food on top of four suitcases of Miller beer. Haha yeah right. For those of you who don't know, the Floral Dep. is right in front of the doors. So I walked quickly over to the Deli and called Kenny and told him. So I went back over there and stood looking at random plants and when he came by the door I pointed nonchalantly and he nodded. So I went ahead and went to the bathroom and came back to the Office and Kenny was like "Good job Sammee!". He said that he and Steven stood there and stared at the women and she just left without trying to take anything. Then later on in the evening, he gets off the phone and was like "That was store 34. I called them after that lady left in case she tried to go down there. They just ran her off too." Can you believe people these days? Crazy. If I hadn't of seen her, she would have ripped us off and probably 2 or 3 other Ingles. Yay!
I actually got snail mail the other day! Tribunal Records sent out their 2007 Samplers to all the Street Team members. They sent us five each and I've got three left. So if anyone wants one, let me know! It's really good this year. Swift isn't on it and this is probably the first one I've gotten without them on it. They have this video on it so when you put it in your computer you can watch clips of videos from ALL of the bands on Tribunal. Swift was on there and that made me happy. For School For Heroes they have clips from the Swift haitus show back in '05. It was raw. I need to get their new EP too. It's only five bucks and its got their whole video on it.
I got another letter in the mail that I wasn't too happy about but it's my fault. They're closing my credit card account. So they made a deal so that I only have to pay 70% (425$) instead of the full amount (602$). I have to save my next couple of checks because it's a lump sum payment. So I've officially screwed my credit. Awesome. I have no one to blame but myself. Whatever.
My mood recently has been very melancholy. Not depressed and not happy. Just blah. I guess I'm tired of being stuck in the same routine all the time. If I can get my life in order by this summer, I am definately taking a vacation of some sort. One thing that made me happy as hell are these pictures:
Look at his hand!
He looks like Bobby.
That's my Godson you guys! Just a few more weeks and he'll be here! I am sooo in love with this kid and he isn't even here yet. Kris and Bobby are going to be such awesome parents.