Mar 05, 2007 20:46
Here I am yet again. Another day, another livejournal to succumb to. Well, it isn't all that bad. Stupid MySpace fuckers have sucked me into their little cult for the LAST time!!! >.<
Since this is my first entry, I guess I will tell you a little bit about me-self. :)
Name: Raven.... >.<
Age: 18
B-day: 8-23-88
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Hobbies: making jewelry, creating zines, reading, collecting weird things, shopping, decoupaging, making collages, cutting up jeans and old clothes, attepting to sew, journaling, writing/listening/creating music.......much more...probably. ^__^
I am actually a very complex individual--Even I don't understand myself most of the time. So, if you can decipher anything I say, I will be totally like..grateful. :D
about me