Apr 18, 2007 18:56
I don't know if it is just my weird sense of humor acting up, but I thought this was sort of ironic. In the Commerical Appeal on the Letters to the Editors page, sympatheic Americans are felling sympathy and empathy to the VT massacre. Then, as you get near the bottom, some oldfart baby boomer is complaining that "if kids are curious, they should be legally able to set off bombs in their backward." HAHAHA WHAT?!
Okay, I will admit, what he said had nothing to do with V. Tech. Instead, he was talking about "the good ol' days" when 'geeks' like him were able make bombs and then blow the shit out of stuff in their backyard. Because that makes them 'less curious.' Oh yeah. I was curious about porno when I first looked at it in 6th grade--and I still look at it! muhahaha.
Anyway, I just found that to be a little bit ironic that this guy was thinking about the 'idiocity' or neighbors calling the cops on kids who use bombs in their backyard, when a massive school shooting just took place, bringing up Columbine and how Eric and Dylan had several handmade bombs and other weapons. Really people.
Their timing was terrible when they sent that.
question mark kid,
eric harris,
dylan klebold,
school shootings