May 09, 2005 18:11
sewing - uhh almost done with pj pants
orchestra - played music. OMFG! nikki told me that Bobby is gonna be star in his school play and it's on wednesday!!! YEYYY!! :D they're doin Cinderella and he's the King!! HAHA!!! this should be good >: )
gym - wiffle ball with uhh i think crowe's class? i sat down in the court the whole game and ate my candy necklace.
english - read our poems. i read one that i wrote but i said it was from anonymous. people said it was good, tho it was sad.
reading - research.
science - lab. we were working with some acid stuff, n brian spilled some on his finger n he goes "wow... that's really startin' to burn" n i told him to go wash it off but he said it was nothin. THEN he rubs his freaken eye TWICE with the acidy-finger and IT starts to burn. he was tearing up n gettin a red eye cuz it stung but he wouldn't go to the nurse. what a dumbass -_- wouldn't that be funny if he came to class tomorrow with a patch on his eye o.o
lunch - called ang cuz she wasnt there today. i hung it up on alissa n she hid my purse n i was yelling at her to give it back n she was just laughin so i yelled FUCKER! n the lady with the weird socks at the greeters desk glared at me. eventually lis gave it back... n borrowed my camera.
math - sub. mrs clermont again. she's so short.
s.s. thru connections - DECADES DANCE KICKOFF!! WOOHOO!! Allie n De n Grace n Jutin kicked major ass! tho allie blew out two amps, that's aiight! they still rocked out!! n de's 'solo' (?) was perfect. ummm... terri's group was amazing. they're kickass dancers. steph d's act was slutty. ronnie's band was awesome! gus kicks ass at guitar, even if he is a piss-monkey. jutin's drum solo was so cool! everyone was cheering him on. hehe, it was awesome!! :) way to go allie n de!!! in connections we played silent ball. fun. ok?
after - walked home with britt n de. i had to carry de's guitar. it was hott. n she carried my backpack n she put it across her chest n over her back, n when we got the alley between allie's house (lol) n she couldn't get it off, so she was like whining n stuff. it was hilarious! she fell down and was on her back trying to peel off my backpack cuz she couldnt breathe n she was like "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" lol!!