feelin a lot better then yesterday!!

May 15, 2005 14:46

ok well friday we didnt have any school.. i was soo happy it felt good not to have to go to skool. so i hung out with koski buffa billy and joe and went to teh mikes jones rim show... well mike jones was suppose to b there and start the concert at 6 n like it hit about 8 o'clock and he was just gettin there , but then it started pouring so me koski n buffa all ran to buffa's car an chylled there. then joe calls us n tells us hes gonna perform in club rain. but we didnt wanna go bak out in the rain so we just left n went n got bridget n jamie and kerri, dropped them off at donalds, then went bak to buffa's and chylled for a minute. after we got there billy n joe came n got us and we chylled with them. i dont really remember how but then we chylled at sum 1 elses house for a bit and had fun there. then billy came n got us n we left n went bak to coreys n then ended up stayin there. had a lotta fun friday with them...

but yea them yesterday we were suppose to hang again but didnt have a way over there so everyone just chylled at home. i really dont wanna go to school tomorrow..eww i gt swimming first thing tomorrow thank god its teh last day!!!

i just tried callin billy but he didnt answer?... hmmm well ne wahyz im guess im gonna go lay down n watch tee.vee n maybe he'll call bak later.

well im out peace bitches
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