
Apr 09, 2005 21:26

went to school and shit. came home got readie, went to get Meriah went to the movies and mall with Josh & Todd & Meriah. Hung out with then Me and Meriah came back to my house and Meriah did my sisters hair and spent the night.

1/2 DAY!!! yes, anyways after school went to wendy's with Meriah then walked to her house and then back to Taco Bell to get the keys went to her house then went to the park then Paul's house to see all the boys box then left from there went to the park, then came to my house took a nap and went skating.

woke up at like 10. ate some cereal and watched a show. the computer got fixed :] umm went tanning around 3. Came home and got readie. Meriah came over here and my mom took us to the high school to meet Josh and Todd up there then we went to the mall, and Chucky Cheese & Toys R Us then we got fuckin chased by some guy in a car and Me and Meriah lost Josh and Todd then we ran to my house and then we just got there and Todd and Josh came over my house and then Joshs dad came and got him.

waking up. going to my Grandmas for a BBQ :P then probably hanging out with Meriah :D

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