your word for me is fusion

Oct 03, 2002 16:31

what i wrote for the direct writing assesment:

This test is meaningless. The reason for taking this test is meaningless. It is "an assesment of my intelligence." True, it is a better assesment than multiple choice tests, but it is still absolitely pointless. Why do you need to judge my intelligence? Who are you? Why do I need to prove myself to a handful of faceless people with enough money and respect to have a minimal amount of power? The time I am spending now proving to you I have learned something in my 14 years of existance I could be spending outside learning more. I could be experiencing life. I could be adding to my knowledge instead of writing about adding to my knowledge. This is a waste of my time, my life, my mind, and to top it off, PAPER.
Theoretically, I am supposed to be writing a persuasive essay instead of ranting about the fallacies in our education system. So, I'll do that. From here on this essay is an attempt to persuade the district to abolish manditory standarized testing.
1 School /'skul/n 1:An organization that provides instruction: as a: An institution for the teaching of children.
-Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition
copywright 1993 by Merriam Webster, Inc page 1045
If school is "an organization that provides instruction" or "an institution for the teaching of children," why is nobody teaching me anything? By U.S. standards i am a child (or non-person) so why is it that I am in school, but not being taught? This test is falsifing the purpose of school. School is a place to learn? I am learning nothing. None of my peers who are taking this test are learning anything either. We are just getting angrier and boreder as time tediously passes by. In fact, by taking this test, not only am I not learning, but I am being prevented from learning. Therefore, this test is causing school to serve the exact opposite of its purpose! School is obstructing my learning! True, it is only a temporary situation, and once this week of sore hands and thoughtless writing is over, all of us will return to our classees and school will once again at least attempt to follow its definition. But what kind of an example is this test? The state supports-no-the state mandates that school stop teaching children. What would Merriam-Webster Inc say? If the mighty school district says it's OK to go to school not to learn on some days, why not go to school not to learn everyday? Because of this and other standarized tests, students are being given the impression that school is a place to be forced to write lines without thought. The ever popular term "I hate school" probably stemmed from tests such as this.
Stop mandating that this test be given. Stop trying to judge the educational worth of a school by what you and select others decided the scores of some childrens' writing should be. Instead, give us time. Give us a chance to learn, always. Allow school to ALWAYS follow its true definition.

in other news:
aslan is my favorite ever, hopefully
man who ripped me off has a new coat? that fucker, i'll kill him when i see him. i really will.
i have REALLY BAD short term memory...
my mom has an abundance of cheese in her refrigerator. i hate her.

i miss Dylan. a lot. HE is really my favorite ever. :(
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