will there be any rahmifications for my idleness?

Dec 19, 2008 19:46

Damn. I'm officially an LJ failure.

Someone needs to throw a couple shoes at me to remind me to update my journal more often. I'll ask Bush if he has any recommendations. *rimshot*

Lessee, how's life been?

Crazy, that's what. I've been in Liberal Bliss Mode since November and it's trickling into December. It won't seem to fade away.

And then Rahm came into the picture. (I bet you can guess how decidedly unhappy I am that Rahm is getting accused of involving in the Blago-Gate scandal or some shit like that.)

Rahm Emanuel isn't the type of guy you want to accuse of such things. Why do you think Obama picked him? For every good cop (Obama), there a bad cop (Rahmmy). And Rahm's a badass Chicago Jew who won't hesitate to fuck your shit up. Blago had better watch it, since he thought it would be smart to call the next leader of the free world a motherf&*ker. :-O

Plus Keith Olbermann = A can of squee packed into a one hour show and released slowly throughout the broadcast.

:) There's politics for me right now. <3

Nuff politics. How about life?

Well... I have some college apps left to do. And two projects over winter break. Well, three, but they aren't all due the day we get back. Ooh, and...


Cheyeeaaah, booiii. I'm "The Sad Little Girl" and you know what? As far as minor roles (which is what I wanted), that freeeeakin' rockolas. :)

Hm... well. Other than that, I need to take some in-car dirving lessons in January. :-/ Not sure how I feel about that, but at least I'm through with the even more awful classes.

PLLLUUUSSS: Christmas is in six days.

Which is more than likely the reason I've been hyper all day due to a freakish sugar rush: the influx of candy canes, cookies, cupcakes, chocolate...

Ahhhhhh. I love it.

... :)

Weeeeell. I don't know what else to say.




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