May 09, 2004 21:22
Well saturday nite i didnt end up doin much of anything.
Today: We were supposed to take my mom to the zoo since she has been dying to go. This morning after pressing snooze on my alarm clock and getting about an hour and half extra sleep I awoke to a living room filled with a dressed stepdad asleep on the couch and a mom in her pjs watching tv. So right away i knew that todays plans were as good as gone. Which is irritating cause i didnt do anything this weekend. So it would be antoher day of this weekend that prooved itself to be very uneventful. I went to Bagel Me and bought my momma and i some bagels for breakfast. (very yummy i might add!) And then pretty much i sat around all day, did a lil cleaning, reading, watching some tube for the normal bullshit that you do when your bored. Ya know. And then we ordered chili's to go from the Food Taxi. And waited a whole hour!!! for the food to get here. We ate ( i had monteray chicken, mashed potatoes and mixed veggies, i discovered i like squash and zuchinni im goin freakin crazy with the vegatable thing.) Anyways, the Travis texted me and came by to get his Birthday cookies we talked for a few and then he left. Then i came back inside and got my history book and decided to do some stuff for my DBQ on monday. Only i went TOTALLY blank on how to write on. Its been forever since i have written a good DBQ in...perhaps ever. Scratch that i dont think i have every really written a good DBQ. So i go on my patio with my history book and DBQ notes and my phone and decide to call all my baytownian friends and ask how to do it. So i call Ryan cause he is a freakin genius but he was at Mirandas and so he just made a quick recap that honesetly didnt help that much except how to know how many documents to use in your essay. So then i call i Jessie and she doesnt answer and then i called...someone else and they didnt answer so then i called LOBSTER BOY!!! and asked him. He wasnt enthused about the whole prompt thing cause it was about indians and he doesnt like indians and he didnt like some other things but i cant remember cause i was laughing. So we talked and tried to narrow it down and stuff and honestly i dont know if we got much accomplished or cleared up in like that 20 mins but thats ok cause its lobster boy, hello?! So after that i dont really remember what i did but it was nothin i am sure. And now i am on the phone with lobster boy again and it has taken me like almost an hour to write this. So now i am gonna go chill.