Hello. Bet you thought I dropped off the face of the earth, huh? ;) Week 1 of my 90 hour week is done. I didn't quite make it to 90 hours, I think I maxed at 75 or 80. But still
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Yes, we were technically dating. You knew that.. and you told me that things were going to be different this time.. right up until you moved there, and had to sleep alone for a few nights. Then suddenly you were saying things like "we don't have a real relationship because you're not living here right now". I guess it's not cheating if we're in different area codes or something... right?
Michy, I don't understand you're "little boy" comment. I've been living on my own for almost two years. I paid rent on two places last month. I've never needed anyone else to take care of me.
Jerin, it's funny that you make me out to be the bad guy once again.. when I never cheated, or slept with anyone else, or even talked to any other girls for that matter, over almost the past two years because of you. I stayed home alone every night since you moved, while you were out with your new "friends". I always put your feelings above mine, and you know that. I guess i was just stupid enough to believe that you could be better that what you really are.
You've treated every guy you've ever been with the same, so i'm not special. You went from freddy, to dave, to me, then back to dave a few times, then back to me, then joe, then back to me again... i'm sure i'm forgetting a few... and now this guy. The only reason i'm special is because i put up with it for longer than anyone else ever could. Poor, poor eric. I feel sorry for him. He has no idea what kind of mess he's getting himself into. You just can't be alone, can you? It's really sad.
I'll give you back your stuff on runescape when you give me back the $500 i gave you. I gave you that money so you would have a place to live until i could move there, not so you would have a place to sleep with your new boyfriend, which you did, when i was still planning on moving in with you.
I'm glad you decided never to talk to me again, because it's really over this time. I just felt that a few things needed to be said. You don't deserve someone like me. You deserve worse than what i could ever be. While sleeping with other guys when you were with me might not be technically cheating in your mind, it still makes you a slut... especially when you tell every guy you're with that you love them. Still, if you ever feel the need to sincerely apologize, you know where to reach me... leave me a message. I might listen.
It is beyond me why you would go & make such HUGE plans to move in & have her find a house then leave her like that if she was SOOOO bad like you say!! Hell no would I do that! If someone was so bad & I knew it I wouldn't go & say, "Ok let's move in & have this huge bill & commitment... Even though you screwed me in the past"! that's stupid on your part.
Michy, I don't understand you're "little boy" comment. I've been living on my own for almost two years. I paid rent on two places last month. I've never needed anyone else to take care of me.
Jerin, it's funny that you make me out to be the bad guy once again.. when I never cheated, or slept with anyone else, or even talked to any other girls for that matter, over almost the past two years because of you. I stayed home alone every night since you moved, while you were out with your new "friends". I always put your feelings above mine, and you know that. I guess i was just stupid enough to believe that you could be better that what you really are.
You've treated every guy you've ever been with the same, so i'm not special. You went from freddy, to dave, to me, then back to dave a few times, then back to me, then joe, then back to me again... i'm sure i'm forgetting a few... and now this guy. The only reason i'm special is because i put up with it for longer than anyone else ever could. Poor, poor eric. I feel sorry for him. He has no idea what kind of mess he's getting himself into. You just can't be alone, can you? It's really sad.
I'll give you back your stuff on runescape when you give me back the $500 i gave you. I gave you that money so you would have a place to live until i could move there, not so you would have a place to sleep with your new boyfriend, which you did, when i was still planning on moving in with you.
I'm glad you decided never to talk to me again, because it's really over this time. I just felt that a few things needed to be said. You don't deserve someone like me. You deserve worse than what i could ever be. While sleeping with other guys when you were with me might not be technically cheating in your mind, it still makes you a slut... especially when you tell every guy you're with that you love them. Still, if you ever feel the need to sincerely apologize, you know where to reach me... leave me a message. I might listen.
Hell no would I do that! If someone was so bad & I knew it I wouldn't go & say, "Ok let's move in & have this huge bill & commitment... Even though you screwed me in the past"! that's stupid on your part.
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