The tigers won so therefore i do not have to work tomorrow yay. anyways I still have not gotten my direct deposit from my work...ugh. They say next time i get paid it will work but i don't know. I don't know how much longer i am going to stay there. I wanted to quite this month but i want another job first. I need to apply at more places but some places i have gone to i either have to fill out an application online or do it in the store. I don't like that because i don't feel like anyone is going to look at my ap. Or if it has gone through to them at all. Oh well i am going to keep on trying because i can't stay at my job it is stressing me out really bad. But oh well i am going to try and practice friday with my band mates and then later i am going to have a party and try to have fun. Also this is the cake i made sean on his bday monday.
I made it totally awesome and i am proud of myself because it looks cool.But anyways i need to get my tooth pulled and i don't have the money for that. So i am going to get it pulled sometime soon at this place downtown on cherry st. So hopefully i will feel better and be able to eat better too because i can eat only on one side of my mouth. And i am worried that it will get infected so that is freaking me out. After i get that out of the way i have to save some money to pay my reinstatement fee at the secratarey of state (sp?). Then finally my effing fines and what not will be out of the way. So hopefully i can start saving money in my new bank account.Well i am going to go.
so long for now -[*]-,[*]-
the chort
haha here is another pic of my niece and a michael jackson video