Feb 14, 2012 19:08
- Пн, 19:32: Hahahaha! Niizuma! XD
- Пн, 19:32: HOW DO YOU DO DESU!
- Пн, 19:36: Listening to Niizuma scream like that makes my throat hurt. xD
- Пн, 19:44: I don't think I'll bother joining the preorder war for Origami Cyclone...
- Пн, 20:04: Amazing! AmiAmi hasn't crashed, it's just incredibly slow!
- Пн, 20:09: 出たぁぁぁぁ! 'Service Temporarily Unavailable' http://t.co/kxpiqm9o
- Пн, 20:09: LMAO and it sold out before making it to the English AmiAmi... http://t.co/jOtwqchC
- Пн, 20:13: Kudos to AmiAmi though... the website recovered rather quickly from the massive traffic load.
- Пн, 20:39: Oh good lord... http://t.co/FjmyOSYl
- Пн, 20:41: I wonder if they'll include Oni in the line up. :P
- Пн, 20:47: I think I want these more than the Shinpuri One Coins though: http://t.co/Vh48GPHV
- Пн, 20:59: RT @ amiami_figure: 「SHF 折紙サイクロン」「ロックバイソン」「仮面ライダーフォーゼ マグネットステイツ」「マシンマッシグラー」「MS少女ウィングガンダム」ご予約終了しました。18時以降に少量ご予約再開予定です。
- Пн, 21:01: @ GabeysGlasses *GLOMP*
- Пн, 21:03: I should compile a wish list...
- Пн, 21:05: RT @ _Gou_: 折紙くんをamazonさんで確保ぉー!さすがの在庫ですな~そして、いいねボタン第1号は僕ですぞと!(・´ー・)b
- Пн, 21:06: I wonder if Okamoto is trying to nab a Origami figure.
- Пн, 21:28: Shower time!
- Вт, 12:01: D'awwwww the Google art for Valentine's today is cute.
- Вт, 12:15: RT @ Crunchyroll: News: The Terrifying Reality of the "Tiger & Bunny" Slime Monster Gyoza - Would you eat it? http://t.co/mSqIvyCA
- Вт, 15:52: Going to the orthodontist at 4:30.
- Вт, 15:52: In need of coins for the bus! GAH!