Cure my Writer’s Block Attempt 1: OD on drabbles (iTunes challenge)

Jul 28, 2009 00:11

Fandom/Pairing: Popular: Brooke/Sam

Ratings: The full spectrum here folks, G-R

A/N: I’m going to use because some of the songs they give me are so ridiculous I can’t help but want to play with them. Yes, I do believe this version of the challenge will result in mucho de crack drabbles. Enjoy!

The Cranberries - Dreams

Sometimes Brooke thinks God is fucking with her, seriously fucking with her.  She never was enough for her mother or herself, but then Sam McPherson came into her life and told her she was perfect. It is what she always wanted, so why did it scare her so much? Sam was gorgeous, caring, witty, and just unique enough to make the world hers. The opinionated brunette had become the center of Brooke’s life whether either of them was ready for it or not.

Au Revoir Simone - Sad Song

Harrison is an idiot for falling in love with Brooke McQueen. The girl is so fake Sam is afraid one day she might just crack and fall a part in the hallway before Bio. Each day they sit next to each other trying not to step on each other’s toes or enter the other’s personal space. Harrison doesn’t see what Sam sees, he sees perfection and Sam is just waiting for her to break.  Maybe they could be friends then, Sam thinks she might actually like a broken Brooke.

Regina Spektor - On The Radio

Sam couldn’t sleep, nightmares haunted her dreams and tears wouldn’t stop falling from her eyes no matter how hard she clenched them closed. Tonight she felt as young as the day her father didn’t come home. Giving up on her own bed she dragged her tired body, tears and all, to Brooke’s door. Lightly she knocked hoping that for some inane reason Brooke was up at three in the morning. Knowing that the blonde was still asleep Sam quietly entered Brooke’s room and crawled into bed. She knew her stepsister would pester her with questions in the morning, but for now all she wanted to do was sleep and for that she needed Brooke.

Frou Frou - Hear Me Out

She breathed in the fresh air of the autumn wind coming in from the north and sat down on the bleachers. Leaning back she felt the cold metal digging into her spine. Notebook in hand she started taking notes on the football practice that was currently in action below her. The paper needed an update on their most prominent team, thrilling. Sam rolled her eyes and let them glide across the field trying to search for inspiration. They ended up where they always did, where she suspected they always would. A pair of frustratingly hazel eyes locked with hers and she couldn’t help but long for a stray football to knock her unconscious.

KT Tunstall - Black Horse & The Cherry Tree

Kissing Brooke made Sam….there was no word for it, or at least she didn’t know what it was. She knew it was wrong. She hadn’t called her friends in a week because she had been in her bed, Brooke’s bed, the living room couch, the pool, the laundry room, and basically every other flat surface in the house they could think of. Sam burned for the skinny bitch with high aspirations and low self-confidence. If she were honest the journalist would recognize she even loved her, but that wasn’t how this world worked. She was right, Brooke was wrong and never shall the two meet in any other way then a hot sweaty mess that resulted in a couple of orgasms.

So What - P!nk

Who the fuck did Sam McPherson think she was dragging that purpled haired bitch around the house like her own personal slut? Two could play at that game, she owed Josh a call anyway. Her dad had always like Josh, maybe she’d bring him to dinner this Saturday. Where were those pictures of them from when they were together last year? Say goodbye Ms. McPherson to your place next to my bed. Hello Josh! With breakup box in hand Brooke took down all the photos of her with her ungrateful stepsister and replaced them with pictures of ex. This was how it was supposed to be anyway. Who needed Sam McPherson?

The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby/Julia [Transition]

Coffee swirled with cream sat cooling on the outdoor table as Sam felt her heart breaking. She missed her family, she missed her new little sister, but most of all she missed Brooke. Not that she’d ever tell her as much, but she really missed Brooke. All the people flittering back and forth across the quad didn’t make her feel any less alone. Maybe going to separate schools had been a bad idea. As close as they had gotten over their last year of high school, who knew it’d hurt this much to be separate from one another? She wanted to go home. She wanted to hug her friend and never let go. She wanted to feel loved again.

I’d have gone for 10 but this was turning into angst overload and I’m not an angst writer by nature. 

drabble, brooke/sam, cure my writer's block, itunes drabble challenge

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