May 06, 2005 13:27
hey guys hows everyone doin. me im sittin in journalism doin a whole lot of nothin when i should be workin on my spanish paper that was due yesterday.
well my grades are
world history B
english A
spanish III B
gym A
math B
journalism B
biology B
nikki is getting screwed over in journalism. i think mr. kelly looses some peoples things, cuz that happened to my brother when he had this class.
i guess you can say im doing ok in school. even though i couldve done better, cuz my parents want me to try to get an academic letter as much as i can during high school. but im stupid, so is my brother, cuz he only got one his freshman year.
softball is going down hill this year. i can sense it already. maybe i'll got to college for basketball cuz sam says im gonna be pretty good. and if brooke can get a scholarship so can i.
my grandpa has been diagnosed with cancer. my brother has been in florida for the past couple of days. i wish i couldve gone wit him cuz the last time i saw my grandpa was when he came to watch me play b-ball. my uncles have already began to make funeral stuff. im gonna miss him soooooooooo much.
love rads