Apr 04, 2003 14:00
Pull down your pants, and slide on the ice.
Today ish my birthday. I'm 16. Yay.
I got a DVD player, and the entire first season of MASH on a 3 disc set, and a 2 disc set of the movie Pearl Harbor. I've watched 12 Mash episodes today. XD.
Granted, it isnt a 1963 Ford Bronco, but...I got a DVD player and MASH! Yay!
I was up until 1 am last night watching MASH on Fox, then my dad woke me up at 7 am. Why, I have no idea, but he did.
If everything works out the way I plan, Laura will be here tommorrow and we can rent movies and call people. Like...Sawa! And I think Krysti, if Laura has her number. And...other people! Yay!
My weird mood seems to have passed. Which is good. I also think I fixed my gun. Also good.
I may go Tuesday to take my drivers test. I just hope I dont screw up. I'm torn between taking our '89 Suburban, with an automatic, or my '94 F-250 with a 5 speed. If I take the truck, which I officially took from my father today, I have to be on top of the clutch distance...dumb regulation says cant hit clutch until less than 50 feet from stopping point...which is pretty impossible, especially in 4th or 5th gear.
Anyhow...Today is my birthday...which has been pretty good.