why on earth am i awake?

Apr 17, 2008 09:51

today is my first true day off in a long time. no class, no work at AE. too bad i have two papers and a final tomorrow, but besides that.. hah. anyways, i really was planning on letting myself sleep in, especially since i was up until 2 writing my chinese civ paper because i just needed to get it done and knew i needed to focus on studying for chinese today. 9;15, roommate leaves for her interview, i wish her good luck and turn over to pass back out.. to no avail. spent the last half hour tossing and turning. what the hell is wrong with me?! i just wanted to sleeeep !
in better news, my two papers are now written, they just need to be edited. the one i wrote last night could probably use another few paragraphs, but hopefully when im editing it ill find some holes that need to get filled in. its supposed to be absolutely gorgeous outside, so im hoping to sit outside somewhere and study for chinese. i got an interview! its with bay windows & south end news, a glbt weekly paper. the internship would be unpaid, but at this point, im taking what i can get. ive heard that in the magazine business, i have to take what i can get. of course, thats not so ideal, but thats life.
i may split the day up by doing some packing.. i have to pack for LA [im limited to two suitcases & a carry on], pack up all my winter stuff that is staying here, and then figure out what to do with all my awkward bulky stuff [pillows, picture frames, lamp, bulletin board...] im sticking some of my stuff in my cousins basement, he requested that i put it in plastic tubs, but i have no car and no way of getting to target, was going to ask rach but she has someone coming into to town for the weekend so im almost positive thats out of the question. chris offered to take some stuff also, which is really helpful, idk what id do without him. there are probably more convenient places to put some of my stuff, but i guess ill take what ive got.
maybe ill clean... and start putting my winter stuff into a duffel bag.. i have a feeling im going to end up putting all my sheets & pillows in a shitton of huge garbage bags. haha.
tomorrow alex & i are meeting the new roomies :) im super excited, i really hope theyre nice and that we end up being more than just roommates. im at that point in my life where some other friends would be really nice.
hmm. besides that? i kind of just want it to be 4 tomorrow. i guess itll come soon enough. after that its passover at jens, back here to write my godawful journ take home final... and then im DONE! <3
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