and rachel wonders..again

Jan 13, 2004 15:34

   do you ever think your just wasting away? i mean i feel like im here but i dont really do anything but go to lunch with steph, go to meetings, watch friends, and spend all my time with live journal.

remember those episodes of road rules with the guy palo..the episodes on the boat..well remember how he took pictures of starving, uneducated, sickly children and sold the pictures to make money for the children? i want to take and white ones to be specific.. one day i want to make a calendar of different places im going to visit in the world, like fugi..i want to take pictures

remember those episodes of real world, new orleans, where melissa started to paint really cute pictures of like ducks and stuff. i want to paint really cute pictures taking an art class and at first i just took it for the A but im begining to really like the expression and colors..i want to paint

so by watching MTV ive had aspirations of becoming a painter and photographer..and who says mtv is uneducational?

and ONE day...ONE DAY i want to learn how to play guitar..even though its cliche because everyone knows someone who says they want to learn to play guitar..but i think ONE day i want to actually REALLY learn, i took paino lessons once and they said my hands were too small to play guitar..but i think i can play anyway, dont u? you'll teach me, wont u?

i feel like theres so much i want to accomplish in life and i just keep wasting meetings, watching tv, eating, running around...i want to be creative..i think i have a creative bone..but if this whole creative thing doesnt workout for me, i can always fall back on my funny bone! haha GET IT?! funny bone!

okay, im done here

im still in need of some major attention

leave me something to read

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