i am not: who you think i am
i hurt: when people break my heart :(
i love: my family friends and art lol
i hate: bitchey 7 year olds who dress like sluts
i fear: sooo many things growing up and not having fun anymore not being unique disappointing people for following my heart, becoming just another face in the crowd
i hope: i can make something of myself
i hear: the feverfew
i crave: chicken. lol shh.
i regret: why regret? just learn from it.
i cry: when i have family problems.
i care: about people?
i long to: make a difference
i feel alone: when no ones home?
i listen: to music.
i hide: unhappiness...sometimes.
i drive: ...you crazy.
i sing: horribly
i write: you my love :)
i breathe: all tht ime
i play: hamsterball
i miss: being 5 and not having a care in the world
i search: for fun
i learn: you make your own happiness
i feel: scared
i say: what i feel
i succeed: in tekken.
i fail: when im not interested
i dream: of crazy things
i sleep: and it feels nice lol
i wonder: if ill be happy when i grow up
i want: to help people
i worry: that ill disappoint my parents
i have: a lovely family
i give: love
i fight: hate
i wait: for you
i am: unique
i think: freely
i can't help the fact that: im not perfect
i stay: true to myself
1) Do you believe in God?no
2) Do you believe that all things happen for a reason? yes
3) Who is your best friend (ONE)? Why? um this might upset alot of people but i dont really have a best friend. i mean like one who has been there through thick and thin. i mean ive had people there for me but not one whos been there through everything?
4) Do you drink (alcohol)? Do you smoke? Do you do drugs? Why or why
not? no because theres no point and its harmful?
5) Name and describe one life changing event. my older brother but i dont really want to describe
6) Do you have any secrets? who doesnt
7) Name a few people that you are glad you have met this year, and why: hmm spicer, carly, jeniessa, becky lol andrew, pat, alex, brittany w.
8) If you could go back in time, would you change anything? If so, what? i wouldnt change anything
9) If you were granted one wish and had to take it, what would you wish for?: that i am happy when im older and that i make a difference somehow
10) Tell something that no one knows. Something that you have never told anyone before: ...then i wouldnt have secrets.
11) If you could go forward in time and see one thing, what would it be and why? i dont want to see the future, it makes life pointless and boring.
13) Who agurvates you / you hate the most? Why?: its aggravates....and i dont really know.
14) If you were to die at this second: Would you go to heaven, hell, neither, etc? probably neither? im probably not good enough for heaven but not bad enough for hell. and do they really exist anyways?
15) What do you want your last words to be?: my life was fucking awesome. lol lets hope thats what i is