Tell me girls, when was the last time you were good and kissed? I realized recently that it had been years since I’d been kissed properly. I don’t think I’ve even had a boyfriend who made out with me with any skill. After all, once sex gets in the way, kissing is just a waste of time, right? Kissing is what guys reluctantly do in order to get sex. Once they get it, they stop bothering with foreplay and long makeout sessions. To date, I am sad to admit that my tally for great kissers is a mere two, neither of them boyfriends. The first could kiss me for hours and then just go right to sleep. Oddly enough, kissing for him was more intimate than sex. It should be no surprise at all then that he was awful in the sack. Unfortunately, great kissing followed by horrible sex doesn’t make for a stable relationship. Perhaps that’s why no kissing followed by great sex has always worked out better for me.
The second great smoocher of my life made me almost forget about sex altogether. Ok. That’s a gross exaggeration. In actuality, I wanted to rip off his clothes and ravish him. Good thing there wasn’t a bed around. He kisses me just the way I like. Open-mouthed, soft, lingering kisses. A light flicker of tongue. It’s the kind of kiss that seems to make the world fade away and time stop; the kind of kiss that puts you nearly in a sleep-like state, so when security taps you firmly on the shoulder, you blink as if being woken from an amazing dream; the kind of kiss that’s so dizzying that you have to shake your head to right yourself. It’s THAT good.
But let’s be realistic. It HAS to stop eventually. Just as the honeymoon phase has an inevitable end, so must the mind-blowing makeout sessions. We barely know each other. Yet the physical attraction is nearly palpable. It’s very likely that we have nary a thing in common and nothing to talk about. Even more likely is that it never progresses beyond this point. And I wonder if it’ll be better that way. Why ruin a great thing with over-thinking? Why pour cold water on a scorching fire? Why??? Because we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t temper joy with pain, happiness with sadness, fantasy with a dousing wallop of reality. There just isn’t one without the other.
Regardless, I am relishing every moment until it ends. In any case, I am glad to say that I can truly put myself in photos like this. And one more thing...being good and kissed is my new tried and true prescription for heartbreak.