Nothing much has really been happening. They still haven't found the boddies, they NOW say there not sure where the plane is. It's all fucked up. If they don't find them soon, there going to wait till spring =\ that's fucking rude. Stacey is still a mess, I've been there like 24/7 so much shit is happening over there. The media follows them around, and they call like every 5 mins. It's so damn annoying. The whole story is ALL over the news.. we had news ppl from TX calling and asking questions.. adn like NY and stuff.. wtf?? like leave them the hell alone!!!
Stacey's dad ran a fishing thing over here.. and now there naming it the WALTER SADOWSKI fishing turnorment so the family is happy about that. Her dad was like the whole story on the news for 3 days, everyone loved that guy <3 I'm sure you guys have seen stuff about it all over the news for a few days.
But anyhow, work was good yesterday... time just flew by! I'm about to go to work now.. I work everyday 4-8 and Saturday's 10-2 so not that bad at all!
I went to see my puppy today.. he just turned 2 weeks old!!! He opend his eyes for the first time while I was he's so small and cute <3333
that's the parents, there soooooooo sweet!!!
thats all of them <3
and that is my little guy!! how cute eh!
anyhow, I miss you guys and thanks for all the comments about Stacey <3