Aug 20, 2004 17:30
ppl ppl ppl i have a speshul annOucement here it gOes..
<3 Jenny has a crush! <3
im nOt tellin u any mOre i dOnt wanna jinx anythin but O m q i gOt it bad :-/... nO lie last time i had a crush on sum one was probabaly like years agO i was startin to think wuts wrOng with me but nOpe i like sumbOdii..grr i cant wait till mOnday to see him! wut should i wear?..its a really cOol feelin.. he dOesnt knO i like him yet but he will sOon Or maybe he has the feelin alreadii?.... but i heard alOt of gurlz like him he talks to all Of dem but he dOesnt like dem i hOpe he dOesnt like to lead On gurlz cuz that wOuld tOtally fuckin suck :: jumps up in the air thrOwin her arms every where ::...i like him .. i like him!!
Jenny l i k e s him <3
Oo yea i re-did my jOurnal cOlor dum bull shit dere.. gracias denise ..nd uhh yea hOw u lyke it ??