Jul 30, 2004 00:13
heii well these dayz have been really blah.. piqqy my fukin best friend ..iz mOvin to cutler ridge :-/..which is far she lives a few blocks away from me so we see each otha when eva it aint gonna be lyk dat no more shes mOvin nd guess wuts the worst part!! shes leavin me alOne in southwest shes goin to sOuth ridge! .. shes like one of my only friendz..every since me and her started chillin agen i really dont talk to ma otha friends so now im left alone in a new skewl.. man we had to many planz!! and now theer all down the drain! ..blah fuckin suckz! reason shes movin iz cuz her granny aint gonna live for much longer and thats who she lives with so now she gotta move w/ her mom and her mean step dad to cutler ridge! but theres some good news
..since mai mommy is very soppourtive of wuts goin on she said when piggys grannie passes away nd if piggys doin good she can mOve in with us .. yay!!