Clémence Poésy Icon: Green and Orange Selective Colour

Jan 21, 2007 14:11

Today I'll be teaching you how to turn this

Take your picture. I will be using this one from Princess Clemence (<< the best clemence source on the web. thanks, sarah!)

1.Crop a 50x50 selection from your picture a paste into the top corner of your canvas

(if your base is darker than mine, add a layer on 'screen')

2.Paste an additional 3 pictures, positioning them in the remaning canvas, flatten this and sharpen ONCE. This is your base.

3.Duplicate your base and go to Filters > Blur > Radial Blur and set to this:

Your icon should now look like this

4.Take a round brush on 50% opacity and gently erase the faces. You should have something like this

5. Create a New Layer and fill with #E4FF00 on soft light.

your icon should look something like this:

6. Create a new selective colour layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Colouring)
















Your Icon should look a little like this now

6.Create a new selective colour layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Colouring)
















Your Icon should look a little like this

7. Add text (and textures if you wish)

tip: use your eyedropper tool to select (prominent) colours from your icon to use as text colours.

...and VOILA! Your very own icon!

Other icons made using this tutorial (minor tweaking involved)

This tutorial is (c) Cate S 2007. Do NOT rewrite or redistribute. I hope you found this tutorial useful.

clemence poesy, tutorial, selective colouring, icon

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