I fucking hate finals!

Dec 18, 2008 15:25

I was up until 12 finishing my notes for my Art History test. It fucking sucked. Alex was about as much help as crabs. When I finally got done (after at least 5 hours of work) I had to find a save point for FF12 cause Donald didn't before he left. That was an extra hour of work. My fucking tea was cold, I was tired as hell, and all the freaking green walkways were getting on my damned nerves. It fucking sucked. Hard.

Then today I took the Art History test after writing a page of my paper due tomorrow (1 of 6, complete) and got back my take home test for that class. The whole fucking paper is filled with nothing but negative comments. I fucking kid you not, there is nothing nice written about it anywhere. And I somehow got a B+. How the fuck is that possible ?! I'm so fucking glad I don't have that class anymore because THE TEACHER CAN SUCK MY FUCKING COCK, BITCH!

God, I hate that woman. She's such an asshole.

GRRRAHH! Time to do my shitty archaeology paper.
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